Hereward Primary School

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About Hereward Primary School

Name Hereward Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Renette Fourie
Address Colebrook Lane, Loughton, IG10 2HR
Phone Number 02085086465
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 449
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Hereward Primary School is an exceptionally happy community. There is a strong ethos of kindness.

Older pupils support younger ones at breaktimes. Pupils thrive here. They compete to find words that express how much they love school.

The school is a model of positive behaviour. From the start of early years, children respond excellently to high expectations. Pupils show considerable enthusiasm for learning.

Lessons are not disrupted. Pupils conduct themselves with exemplary politeness and respect. They smilingly open doors for adults, and tidy rooms after meetings and lessons.

Pupils learn an ambitious curriculum. They benefit from skilful teaching. ...Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive very strong support.

Pupils take deep pride in the high-quality work they produce.

There are a wide and rich range of opportunities. Pupil leadership and pupil voice have a significant influence.

For instance, pupils requested the many popular new clubs, such as coding and cooking. Pupil ambassadors show children in early years how to use a knife and fork. The wider activities, for example 'magic moment' days, teach pupils a sense of wonder.

Trips build precisely on what they learn in lessons. This superb programme means pupils live and breathe the school's values.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has a palpable sense of mission and clarity of purpose.

Stakeholders engage fully with its vision for the quality of education. The trust ensures staff receive high-quality training. Staff praise the collaborative approach of leaders.

The school works effectively in partnership with parents and carers. As a result, pupils flourish.

The curriculum is broad and comprehensively planned.

It builds up pupils' knowledge incrementally from early years to the end of key stage 2. For example, pupils get plenty of practice with writing. Because of this, it comes more easily.

Texts in English are purposefully chosen to build up pupils' understanding of difficult vocabulary and concepts. Consequently, they are assured readers and writers. This includes pupils with SEND, who show a great deal of pleasure in reading.

The school reviews the curriculum continually, to make it even better. In 2023, a few pupils did not perform as well as they might in the national tests. Leaders acted with urgency to address any shortfalls.

Pupils are now doing extremely well across the curriculum.

Staff deliver the curriculum excellently. They employ activities that create high levels of engagement.

Tasks are adeptly structured to help pupils understand and remember the learning. Teachers adapt learning expertly so that pupils with SEND access it with confidence. Staff check regularly whether there are any misconceptions.

They address any gaps in knowledge effectively. As a result, pupils build up rich and detailed knowledge. For example, children in early years count backwards with ease.

Older pupils apply complex terminology in practical tasks in science and art.

Pupils in the early stages of reading get the support they need. Staff teach the new phonics programme with consistency.

Extra help is given regularly and successfully for pupils who need it. Consequently, pupils quickly learn to read with fluency.

Children prosper in the early years.

The curriculum is meticulously planned. Staff are knowledgeable. They devise learning activities that successfully develop children's communication and social skills.

Adults model language and interact skilfully, such as through familiar songs and rhymes. The environment is regularly and creatively adapted to help children practise what they learn. Children, including those with SEND, become independent, curious and confident learners.

Pupils understand and respond well to the behaviour policy. Because of this, the need for consequences is rare. Any incidents get thoroughly resolved.

Attendance is high. Pupils take responsibility for themselves and their peers throughout the day.

The curriculum for personal development is coherent and effective.

Pupils learn to be safe, but also to be kind, when online. The school equips pupils with well-judged information about difficult content, such as puberty. Pupils express balanced and thoughtful views.

They show a most impressive recall and understanding of sophisticated ideas in areas such as democracy.

The trust and governors have supported the school very well. The trust has developed strong leadership in the school at all levels.

In particular, the school's senior leadership is highly effective. Trustees keep a close oversight of key areas of provision, such as SEND and safeguarding. Governors champion leaders' and staff's well-being.

The school has adapted staff workload effectively in areas such as marking. This has led to a staff body providing consistently first-rate support to pupils over time.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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