High Greave Infant School

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About High Greave Infant School

Name High Greave Infant School
Website http://www.learnerstrust.org/hgi
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Head Teacher Mrs Rachel Taylor
Address High Greave Road, East Herringthorpe, Rotherham, S65 3LZ
Phone Number 01709850201
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 119
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy to attend High Greave Infant school. They feel safe.

Leaders have high expectations of pupils. However, these are not currently fully realised in practice. During lessons, teachers present activities to pupils in a way that makes it difficult for pupils to stay engaged and learn key knowledge.

Around school and in the classrooms, pupils follow adults' instructions. They behave well so the environment is calm. Pupils demonstrate the values of the 'learner code', which include being ready to learn and being respectful to each other.

Bullying is rare. If it happens, teachers talk with pupils to make sure it is resolved. Pupils understand the imp...ortance of treating everyone fairly.

They are kind to each other.

Through the curriculum, pupils are taught how to lead healthy, active lifestyles. They are encouraged to take part in dance and games and to eat healthily.

Pupils have opportunities to develop their wider talents and interests through after-school clubs, such as arts and crafts.

In class, teachers read a daily story which pupils enjoy. This helps pupils to develop a love of reading.

Pupils like to vote for the story they want to listen to. The use of visitors from the local community enriches the curriculum. Pupils remember knowledge from a visit by a soldier who discussed his uniform and medals.

This helped them to learn about Remembrance Day.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Senior leaders have developed a coherently planned and sequenced curriculum. Learning is broken down into small steps.

This helps pupils to reach the end goals set out in the curriculum. Despite the curriculum being coherently planned, teachers do not always choose the best activities to help pupils remember their learning longer term. They sometimes present too much information to pupils at once, or lack clarity when teaching.

There is little time given to build upon prior knowledge or connect this to new knowledge. Curriculum leaders have not been given enough training or opportunity to monitor and improve their subject.

Appropriate aims are in place for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Adults are perceptive to the needs of these pupils. Specialist resources help these pupils to access the curriculum. Pupils are able to access learning within their class and in small groups.

They are included in all aspects of school life.

Learning to read starts from Reception. Leaders have introduced a new phonics programme.

This is not currently embedded. The chosen curriculum and its delivery are not followed consistently by all teachers. Nonetheless, pupils read books that are matched to the sounds that they know.

Teachers encourage pupils to use their knowledge of phonics when writing. Pupils who are struggling with learning to read get the support they need to catch up. Leaders recognise that some adults require further training to teach phonics effectively.

The curriculum in early years is coherently planned and sequenced. Adults plan activities in the indoor and outdoor areas that support children to become independent learners. Teachers identify the vocabulary they want children to know.

Children are supported and encouraged to use this vocabulary in their independent play. They learn nursery rhymes and stories to help develop their language. Children concentrate well on the tasks they are given.

For example, they took time to choose materials to make a collage of a house.

Leaders have designed a carefully considered personal, social, health and education curriculum to support pupils' well-being. Staff use this curriculum to teach pupils about the specific risks in their local community.

Pupils learn about different faiths. They are very tolerant and accepting of difference. Pupils experience an enhanced curriculum through visits to, for example, Tropical Butterfly House Wildlife Conservation Park.

Leaders have been tenacious in making sure pupils' attendance is improving. A strong pastoral team is in place to support families with attendance. Parents speak highly of the school.

They say their children are well supported.

The chief executive officer (CEO) and trustees support and challenge the leadership team so some improvements have been made over time. Trust partners work alongside school leaders to determine the improvements that need to be made in school.

Trustees perform the required legal duties effectively.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that safeguarding systems and procedures are in place.

All adults take part in an annual training programme. They know how this training will help them to spot pupils who may be vulnerable or at risk. Leaders work with local partners to make sure that appropriate support is in place for pupils and their families.

They understand the local risks that their pupils may face. Leaders ensure that all adults who work at and visit the school have undergone the appropriate checks. Senior leaders have completed training on safer recruitment.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, teachers do not always choose the most appropriate activities or present information clearly to help pupils learn the planned knowledge long term. Pupils do not always retain the key knowledge that teachers want them to acquire. Leaders should ensure that teachers receive appropriate training to support them in selecting the activities that best support pupils in acquiring the knowledge set out in the curriculum.

• Adults have not been trained sufficiently well to teach the new phonics scheme. This results in inconsistencies in the delivery of the phonics curriculum. Leaders should ensure that all adults are adequately trained to deliver effective phonics teaching.

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