Holyport College

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About Holyport College

Name Holyport College
Website http://www.holyportcollege.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Address Ascot Road, Holyport, SL6 3LE
Phone Number 01628640150
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 11-19
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 576
Local Authority Windsor and Maidenhead
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Holyport College is a joyous place to learn. Pupils are well cared for in a cheerful and warm environment where difference is welcomed. Pupils and staff celebrate culture and diversity through a range of clubs and societies such as 'Femsoc' and the 'African Caribbean Society'.

Colourful murals on the wall promoting acceptance of others demonstrate that inclusion is at the heart of this school.

Pupils enjoy positive and friendly relationships with staff who know them well. Leaders have embedded a culture of mutual respect across the school.

Pupils value opportunities to work alongside their peers in different year groups, for example as part of the school's 'N...ations Day' and as reading ambassadors. Pupils enjoy each others' company, interacting positively and playing games such as table tennis and cards together during social times.

Leaders have established high expectations for all pupils to succeed and thrive.

They are committed to ensuring that pupils, including the most vulnerable, benefit from an excellent range of enrichment opportunities such as trips to the Tate Modern or the Houses of Parliament. Pupils appreciate the extended school day because they enjoy the opportunity to explore their talents and interests further, be it photography or managing investments. All pupils, including students in the sixth form, receive high-quality and impartial advice about their next steps in education, employment and training.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum to meet the differing needs of the pupils. The vast majority of pupils learn English Baccalaureate subjects. However, the curriculum is not yet as broad as leaders want it to be due to limited space and buildings.

Leaders have worked to carefully integrate subjects such as design technology into other areas of the curriculum. They have begun plans to improve this further in the next year.

The curriculum is well sequenced and the key knowledge that pupils must learn is specifically identified.

The curriculum is carefully designed so that pupils revisit learning in a more complex way. In most subjects, pupils have opportunities to draw on previous knowledge and concepts and apply this to new learning. For example, in art, Year 9 pupils use their knowledge of perspective techniques to give their drawings of buildings a realistic impression of depth.

Teachers have expert subject knowledge, particularly in the sixth form. They skilfully question pupils to check for gaps in their learning and clarify any misconceptions. However, this is not done as consistently well in all subjects lower down in the school.

Where this is done well, staff change their plans to address any gaps and make learning clearer.

Leaders are committed to ensuring that pupils with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are identified swiftly and access the same curriculum as their peers. The majority of pupils with SEND learn well, although sometimes they do not receive the support that they need in class as quickly as they should.

Students in the sixth form achieve highly. Their core curriculum is extended by a diverse range of enrichment opportunities, for example the 'Eton-Holyport Scholars programme', where students enjoy talks from a range of speakers such as the Governor of Hong Kong and Members of Parliament. Students receive an extensive package of support to prepare them for applications and interviews in the future.

As a result, students successfully access further education, employment or training of their choice.

Leaders know the importance of reading and are looking forward to the opening of the school's new library to promote this further. Pupils engage in reading frequently, through scheduled tutorials and the school-wide 'book swap' scheme.

The weakest readers receive the personalised support that they need to keep up.

Pupils enjoy their lessons and talk confidently about their work. The majority of pupils focus carefully on their tasks and want to achieve well.

Staff do not always quickly identify the small number of pupils who become distracted from their learning. Pupils, including those who are most vulnerable, want to be at school and attend often. Leaders have effective systems in place to monitor attendance and behaviour closely.

Pupils' wider development is a clear strength and priority at this school. Pupils have extensive enrichment opportunities built into their timetable. They demonstrate leadership skills and citizenship by running societies and delivering assemblies on the impact of racism, for example.

Pupils take part in the democratic process of voting to elect members of the house council. They revisit important issues such as harmful sexual behaviours, mental health and healthy eating in an age-appropriate way.

Leaders and governors have a strong understanding of what is working well and areas that could be developed further in the school.

They are well respected by staff, who feel valued and proud to work at the school. Leaders take robust action to reduce staff workload and increase their well-being. Staff benefit from high-quality professional development that meets their needs.

Leaders want what is best for the pupils at this school and are committed to continued and sustained improvement for their benefit.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders who oversee safeguarding keep excellent records so that they can monitor pupils who they are concerned about carefully.

Leaders are persistent in ensuring that pupils who may be at risk receive the external support that they need to keep them safe. There is a clear culture of vigilance at the school. Staff are well trained so that they know how to identify and refer a pupil who may be at risk of harm.

Leaders carry out the necessary safety checks so they know that staff are safe to work in the school.

Pupils feel very safe and know that staff will help them when they are worried. They learn about safety issues such as consent and online safety through the curriculum.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school has limited buildings, facilities and space. This means that pupils do not access some areas of the curriculum in the breadth that they should. Leaders should continue their work to integrate the subjects affected, such as design and technology, into other areas of the curriculum, and continue with their construction plans so that pupils can enjoy a full curriculum offer in all subjects.

• On occasion, teachers do not address low level disruption and disengagement as quickly as they should. This means that a small number of pupils do not live up to the high expectations that leaders have set for them. Leaders should continue to work with staff to ensure that the school's approach to managing behaviour is embedded fully.

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