Hunts Grove Primary Academy

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About Hunts Grove Primary Academy

Name Hunts Grove Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mr Glenn Philcox
Address Harrier Way, Hunts Grove, Gloucester, GL2 4EP
Phone Number 01452931266
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 308
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud to belong at Hunts Grove Primary. They describe with enthusiasm how everyone works hard to 'be the best we can be'. Expectations are high.

Pupils learn how to become responsible young people. They take on extra roles within school, such being a 'restorative star' or becoming an associate board member.Pupils appreciate how caring and considerate staff are in helping them to learn how to behave appropriately.

They describe a respectful atmosphere, which widely celebrates when pupils get things right and quietly supports when they get something wrong.A real strength is how the school helps pupils, including disadvantaged pupils, to become avid, successfu...l young readers. Reading really is at the heart of the curriculum.

Pupils talk enthusiastically about the authors and books they enjoy. Class reading time is a highlight of the day. Pupils are excited about the unseen stories they will read throughout the year.

As a result of this strong reading culture, pupils achieve well and are ready for their next steps.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The quality of leadership and management across the school are exceptional. The trust provides expertise, which helps to maintain the high expectations evident.

Trust leaders and school governors have a clear vision. They play an active and effective role in securing a good quality of education for all pupils. Staff's roles and responsibilities are clearly delegated and understood.

Staff are proud to be part of the school and report high levels of satisfaction in completing their roles. They receive high-quality professional development. This equips them to teach the curriculum effectively.

Teachers who are new to the profession have strong support. Subject leaders are knowledgeable and passionate about the subjects they lead. Their support ensures that staff who teach the curriculum develop their subject knowledge over time.

The school takes care to ensure that all pupils learn and remember the curriculum. From the very start, in pre-school and Reception, there is a relentless pursuit to make sure that every child learns to read. Children have a happy secure start to their time at school and quickly settle into routines and expectations.

The curriculum supports children at the very earliest stages to become independent young learners. Many parents and carers express how well their children settle into school life.There is a well-sequenced curriculum in reading, writing and mathematics.

The teaching of phonics is effective. Most other subjects are also organised well. These curriculums give staff clarity about what pupils need to know to achieve well.

As a result, pupils learn and remember important factual content in all subjects. However, in some subjects, such as geography, the full curriculum is not yet embedded. For example, the curriculum does not consistently support pupils to understand how subject-specific ideas develop or how they can be used to gain a deeper understanding.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) benefit from precise strategies and support. This helps them to reach ambitious goals. Pupils who need extra time to understand vocabulary or concepts have the support they need to do so.

Consequently, disadvantaged pupils, including pupils with SEND, achieve well.Pupils enjoy school and most attend well. There are a few pupils who have persistently low attendance.

Partnerships with families are generally strong and this helps staff to understand the reasons for low attendance. However, the school does not have an overview of the difference their actions make to improve the attendance of pupils who do not attend well. This means that the school cannot be sure that everything possible is done to improve attendance for this small group.

A strong sense of values permeates the school. This supports pupils to become successful members of society. Pupils confidently explain about the importance of respect for those with protected characteristics.

Pupils are enthusiastic about the clubs and activities on offer. Some would like a wider variety of clubs, and to continue to develop interests over longer periods of time.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some foundation subjects, aspects of the curriculum are not embedded. Where this is the case, pupils do not gain a deep understanding of key disciplinary knowledge. The school and trust need to continue with the development of the curriculum across foundation subjects.

• The school does not have a clear oversight of the impact of their work to improve pupils' attendance. As a result, the school cannot assure itself that the most effective actions are in place to improve attendance for some pupils. The school and trust need to ensure that there is a strong understanding of the impact of their strategy to improve attendance.

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