Kelvin Hall School

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About Kelvin Hall School

Name Kelvin Hall School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher/Ceo Mr Christopher Leng
Address Bricknell Avenue, Hull, HU5 4QH
Phone Number 01482342229
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1580
Local Authority Kingston upon Hull, City of
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Kelvin Hall School is a welcoming place.

Pupils move around the school calmly and purposefully. There are plenty of staff on hand to support pupils if needed. Staff and pupils get on well.

Their relationships are built on mutual respect. This helps pupils to settle in lessons and learn well.

Pupils learn a curriculum that is mostly well organised.

Some curriculum areas are more developed than others. In general, most pupils achieve well at the school. However, some groups of pupils, notably those pupils who receive free school meals and the most able, do not always progress as well as expected.

The school has established a dedicated provisio...n to support pupils with complex special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) called 'The Hub'. Most pupils who attend this provision learn alongside their peers for some lessons. This ensures they feel included in mainstream school.

The curriculum extends beyond academic subjects. Leaders have developed a rich personal development offer. Activities are woven into the school day and after school.

These include inspiring pupil performances. Most pupils feel safe in the school. Bullying happens infrequently.

Some pupils use unkind language towards others. When this happens, pupils know how to seek support through anti-bullying ambassadors, reporting boxes, online support and with dedicated pastoral staff.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils largely progress well in lessons.

In some key stage 3 curriculum areas, pupils are taught on a rotation. They learn subjects in blocks of time throughout the year. This means some subjects do not have continuity to ensure pupils' learning is consistently developed over time.

As a result, in some curriculum areas, pupils are not as well prepared for the next stage of learning. They do not always have the depth of knowledge needed to meet the demands of qualifications fully.

Leaders prioritise reading.

Pupils read often in lessons and in tutor time. Pupils' work matches the intent of the curriculum. However, some groups of pupils do not always achieve well.

This includes disadvantaged pupils. Lessons are efficiently organised to meet pupils' needs. For example, ingredients are supplied for some pupils to access the curriculum in food technology.

Support for pupils with SEND is well thought out. Pupils follow the same curriculum as their peers. Staff use individual education plans effectively to adapt lessons.

This enables pupils with SEND to learn well.

Pupils behave well in lessons and at social times. Staff have high expectations.

Instances of negative behaviour occur in the school from time to time. This includes derogatory language. The school manages this well.

Leaders have developed an effective graduated approach to improve attendance. Staff work collaboratively. They focus on early intervention to reduce absence.

The school uses innovative approaches to encourage pupils to attend school well, including morning attendance check-ins with the well-being team and 'Lizzie' the therapy dog.

Personal development is a strength of the school. The wider curriculum exposes pupils to important concepts and ideas that prepare them well for life beyond school.

The school has a pupil leadership team. Members are elected by pupil groups to represent their views. This has led to changes to the curriculum and strengthened support for pupils' mental health.

The school develops pupils' understanding of how to stay healthy mentally and physically. There are opportunities for pupils to access well-being services and sporting clubs.

The school encourages pupils to develop their musical and performance skills well.

Pupils participate enthusiastically. This has led to successful performances for the school community. Pupils learn about next steps to adulthood and work.

Pupils receive independent careers advice. They access employers and other education providers to ensure that they are fully informed. Most pupils move on to further education, work or training.

Governors and trustees have an accurate understanding of the school's strengths and areas to develop. They are well informed by audits and reports that examine specific aspects of the school's work. The trust provides a range of effective support for the school, including safeguarding.

Staff receive continuous professional development to keep their safeguarding practice up to date. Early careers teachers feel well supported. They have sufficient time to meet their mentors.

Staff feel they have a voice. Leaders listen to them and are accessible.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, the organisation of the curriculum at key stage 3 means that pupils do not get the opportunity to learn, practise and remember in a continuous way. As a result, the curriculum does not help pupils to know more and remember more consistently. The school should ensure that all subjects at key stage 3 enable pupils to build knowledge in a way that prepares them for their next stage of learning.

• The impact of the curriculum does not consistently fulfil the school's ambitious intent. Some groups of pupils, notably those pupils who receive free school meals and the most able, do not always progress as well as expected. The school should ensure that all pupils deepen and extend their subject knowledge to better prepare them for qualifications.

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