Lady Lumley’s School

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About Lady Lumley’s School

Name Lady Lumley’s School
Ofsted Inspections
Miss Clair Foden
Address Swainsea Lane, Pickering, YO18 8NG
Phone Number 01751472846
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 795
Local Authority North Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The motto at Lady Lumley's School is 'be our best'.

This is promoted throughout the school, including academic studies and pupils' wider personal development.

Pupils study a broad and balanced curriculum. In 2023, pupils at Lady Lumley's School made similar progress to other schools in national assessments.

However, most pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds do not achieve as well as their classmates.

Recent changes to the curriculum have allowed the school to encourage pupils to see themselves as members of a diverse modern Britain. Pupils learn about people from different backgrounds through the form time reading programme, assemblies and the 'life...' curriculum.

Some pupils have gaps in their knowledge of fundamental British values and the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.

Pupils behave well in lessons and there is a calm atmosphere in classrooms and at social times. Bullying can happen and there are instances of derogatory language.

The school takes any incidents seriously and acts quickly to address these issues.

Students in the sixth form are proud to be at Lady Lumley's. They value the positive relationships that they have with staff.

One student told the inspectors, 'It is like being part of a family'. This comment was typical of many others.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed an ambitious curriculum, including for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Curriculum leaders have identified the important knowledge that they want pupils to know and remember. Teachers make sure that new curriculum content connects to what pupils already know. Teachers often use assessment well to check what pupils have learned.

However, this is not consistent. In a small number of subjects, some pupils struggle to recall important knowledge. They cannot build on their previous learning, because it is not secure.

A positive culture of reading is becoming established across the school. Leaders have thought carefully about the books they want pupils to read. Leaders have ensured that pupils who need help with reading receive the support they need.

Staff are trained well to provide support with phonics. Sixth-form students act as reading buddies to boost pupils' confidence in reading.

Pupils with SEND are supported well.

Teachers are given clear guidance on how to meet pupils' needs. Pupils with SEND study the same curriculum as their peers. Teachers adapt their teaching to meet the needs of pupils.

Sixth-form students are taught well and enjoy their time in and out of lessons. In many subjects, students talk in detail about what they have learned and remembered across the curriculum. Students value the support they get from staff.

The life curriculum ensures that they are well prepared for their next steps in education, training or employment. Students are starting to make good use of opportunities to develop their leadership skills and independence. This includes working with younger pupils in school, undertaking work experience or contributing to the school council.

The school has prioritised pupils' wider personal development in order to address historical issues around intolerance. The life curriculum is carefully planned from Year 7 to Year 13. Leaders have ensured that pupils learn important knowledge about how to stay safe.

Pupils are taught about people from different backgrounds. Despite this, some pupils do not have a thorough understanding of fundamental British values and the protected characteristics. A small minority of pupils use inappropriate or discriminatory language.

The frequency of these incidents is declining. Leaders do take action and track these incidents carefully when they are reported. The school is steadfast in its ambition to address this.

Pupils' behaviour in lessons is positive. They listen well and are eager to learn. Pupils' conduct at social times is calm.

Many pupils attend school regularly. However, overall rates of attendance are below average. This includes in the sixth form.

The school has improved attendance for a small group of pupils but this has not been replicated across the school. Some pupils have to travel from rural or coastal areas to attend school. This provides additional challenges but the school needs to do more to improve attendance.

The school has an ambitious vision that is shared by leaders and governors. There have been significant improvements in recent years. However, not all leaders work strategically across their areas of responsibility.

Sometimes, they do not analyse and interpret the information that is available to them to inform their actions. Leaders, including those from the trust, need to ensure that they strengthen their oversight of certain aspects of the school. This includes attendance strategies.

It also includes oversight of the school's off-site alternative provision, where links to the school need to be stronger.

Staff feel that they are well trained and their workload is considered. They are proud to work at Lady Lumley's School.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Pupils are well supervised. This includes at the school's off-site alternative provision.

Leaders are currently improving the alternative provision's access arrangements and other operational matters. This work had not been completed at the time of this inspection.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some teachers check that pupils have understood what they have been taught before moving on.

However, this is not consistent. Furthermore, some teachers do not use this information to inform their teaching. As a result, misconceptions or gaps in knowledge are not always addressed.

The school should ensure that teachers are trained and supported to check that pupils understand what they have been taught, and use this assessment information to inform their teaching. ? Attendance for some pupils is too low. This means that they miss out on valuable learning.

The school must ensure that they analyse attendance trends and act strategically to secure improved levels of attendance across the school. ? A small number of pupils do not have an age-appropriate understanding of the protected characteristics or fundamental British values. Others occasionally demonstrate a lack of respect and tolerance for others.

The school must ensure that pupils understand this important knowledge so that they are well prepared for life in modern Britain. ? In some areas, the school is not effectively analysing and interpreting the information that is available to them to inform their actions. This means that the oversight of some areas of the school is not as strong as it could be.

This includes the off-site provision hosted by the school. The school needs to carry out thorough and careful analysis of information linked to improvement priorities. The multi-academy trust must further support leaders to ensure that they have strong oversight of their key areas of responsibility.

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