Langley First School

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About Langley First School

Name Langley First School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs C Marron
Address Drumoyne Gardens, West Monkseaton, Whitley Bay, NE25 9DL
Phone Number 01916432026
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-9
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 329
Local Authority North Tyneside
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are very happy to attend Langley First School. Leaders ensure that the school motto, 'We learn, build friendships and shine' is central to the work of staff and children.

Examples of where pupils 'shine' throughout the school from Nursery to Year 4 are shared with pupils and their parents and carers regularly. Governors, staff and pupils have caring relationships.

Pupils feel safe at school.

Leaders have high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Most pupils understand and respond well to the rewards and warnings system. There are very few instances of inappropriate behaviour.

Staff apply the behaviour policy consistently to deal swiftly with any... incidents. The atmosphere in lessons is purposeful. Leaders, staff and pupils frequently refer to the three 'R's': respect, responsibility and resilience.

Pupils receive team points linked to the three R's so they develop a deep understanding of these values.

The headteacher and members of the senior leadership team have all been appointed to their posts in school recently. Leaders are committed to improving the school.

The introduction of a range of new initiatives is having a positive impact. For example, leaders have very recently introduced a whole-school project to improve pupils' vocabulary. These initiatives are in the early stages of implementation.

Leaders have high expectations for pupils academically too. Pupils achieve well, especially in reading and mathematics.

During the inspection, most parents from Reception and Year 2 ate lunch with their child's class.

Leaders, as a matter of course, promote strong relationships between home and school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Subject leaders have identified the core knowledge they intend pupils to learn in each subject area. Teachers help pupils to recall and practise their learning.

For example, at the start of mathematics lessons, pupils complete a 'Triathlon' which revisits previous knowledge. Pupils are enthusiastic about their learning. In subjects such as mathematics and science, they recall many aspects of their previous work.

In core subjects, such as mathematics, pupils produce work of a consistently high standard. It shows the detailed knowledge and skills they have developed. However, in some subjects such as history and geography, pupils' work is more variable.

It does not reflect the knowledge that pupils have been taught or the progress they have made over time.

Staff have high expectations for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils with SEND are identified quickly.

Detailed and effective support plans help pupils with SEND to make strong progress towards their targets. The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) works closely with parents to provide specialist support and guidance.Leaders have recently introduced a new scheme for phonics.

Teachers and teaching assistants are well trained. They use the scheme's resources consistently well. Pupils are assessed regularly.

Activities and books are closely matched to the sounds that pupils know. Pupils use their phonics knowledge to read accurately. Those pupils who need additional support are identified and helped to catch up quickly.

Leaders promote reading successfully. In addition to their reading book, pupils take home a book to read for pleasure. Activities such as borrowing books from the book swap shed on the playground, regular book fairs and World Book Day raise the profile of reading across the school.

In the early years, leaders have clearly identified the knowledge and skills they want children to learn over time. In adult-led sessions, there are direct links to the ambitious intentions for the curriculum. However, in some child-led sessions, the link to the planning is less clear.

Teachers use both the indoor and outdoor provision well to provide a wide range of purposeful activities. For example, pupils in Reception use a range of previously learned joining techniques to make their own models. Staff extend the children's vocabulary skilfully.

During the inspection, one child spoke enthusiastically about a 'dragon fire-breathing ship' they had created. Early years teachers use weekly updates to keep parents well informed about their child's learning.

Leaders ensure staff teach pupils to be safe and healthy.

Through the link with a local football club, pupils learn about being 'match fit' and the importance of communities being tolerant. Staff encourage pupils to be active citizens. Most recently, families made donations to support civilians affected by the conflict in the Ukraine.

Decorative sunflowers, which are the national flowers of the Ukraine, made by the pupils keep them mindful of the refugees. Pupils benefit from a wide range of educational visits. They develop leadership skills by taking on a range of responsibilities including being eco-warriors and school councillors.

Many pupils attend an exciting range of after-school clubs, such as fencing and archery.

Governors are knowledgeable about their roles. They provide a high level of support and challenge to staff.

Governors ensure the school is well led. Leaders are considerate of staff workload. Staff feel valued and well supported.

The overwhelming majority of parents speak highly of the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders provide regular safeguarding training and updates.

Staff know how to keep pupils safe. Staff understand that safeguarding is 'everybody's business'. Teachers and teaching assistants raise concerns effectively.

Pupils who need help are identified quickly. Staff, including the learning mentor, provide effective support for vulnerable pupils and their families. The designated safeguarding leads work closely with external agencies.

Staff make the necessary checks to ensure that adults are safe to work with pupils in school.Pupils have a thorough understanding of risk and know how to keep safe both on and offline.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Teachers do not implement the planned curriculum in some foundation subjects, such as history and geography, consistently well.

This means that pupils do not benefit from leaders' ambitious curriculum aims. Pupils do not demonstrate a secure curriculum knowledge in these subjects. Leaders need to ensure that all teachers have the understanding necessary to deliver the planned curriculum effectively.

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