Laughton All Saints’ CofE Primary School

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About Laughton All Saints’ CofE Primary School

Name Laughton All Saints’ CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Julie Armitage
Address High Street, Laughton-en-le-Morthen, Sheffield, S25 1YF
Phone Number 01909550531
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 120
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a kind and inclusive school. Pupils are happy. They confidently introduce themselves to visitors.

Pupils feel safe. Staff know pupils well and build secure relationships. This gives pupils the confidence to report any bullying that may occur.

Pupils state that bullying sometimes does happen, but adults deal with this quickly.

In lessons, and around school, most pupils behave well. They are polite and kind to others.

However, some pupils do not display positive attitudes to their learning. Staff do not consistently challenge this.

In some lessons, including in the early years, pupils do not learn the curriculum as well as leaders inte...nd.

The school does not have high enough expectations of what pupils can do. This means that some pupils are not ready for their next stage of learning.

Pupils at this small, rural primary school enjoy a range of trips to different places such as the seaside.

Leaders work tenaciously to increase the opportunities pupils have to learn beyond the classroom. Pupils enjoy learning to play musical instruments and attending clubs such as those for art and a variety of sports.

Some pupils describe the impact they have made in their roles as school councillors and heads of house.

They are proud of their achievements. In particular, they are proud of their work to increase the playground equipment and the development of a quiet area.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has a strong, aspirational vision to ensure that it prepares pupils well for their next stage of education.

However, these aspirations are not being met. The school has worked relentlessly to put in place a curriculum that meets the needs of the mixed-aged classes. This includes the adaptations that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) need to be successful.

Leaders have identified the most important knowledge and vocabulary that pupils should learn over a two-year cycle. The curriculum sets out how learning builds on what pupils already know, from the early years to Year 6. However, the school does not regularly check how well the curriculum is being delivered.

As a result, there is variability in the teaching of some subjects, leading to some pupils not receiving a high-quality education.

In the lessons where teachers present information clearly, pupils successfully achieve the intended learning outcomes. In these lessons, pupils display positive attitudes to their learning.

However, where there are inconsistencies in the delivery of the curriculum, pupils lose interest in what they are learning. Their attitudes to their learning in these lessons are not as positive as they could be.

In some subjects, such as geography and design and technology, teachers do not use information on what pupils know and understand effectively to plan future learning.

In some lessons, teachers move pupils on to new learning while there are still gaps in their knowledge. As a result, pupils do not gain the necessary subject knowledge over time. The work in pupils' books does not reflect the planned curriculum consistently.

Children in the early years do not achieve as well as they should. Although the curriculum is carefully designed, the school does not extend children's learning during play well enough. Children do not develop their language and communication skills quickly.

Children's behaviour and attitudes are not securely good. This is because the school has not established clear routines for children to follow. Consequently, children are not prepared well for the expectations of key stage 1.

Pupils enjoy reading. They enjoy collecting rewards after reading the high-quality texts available to them in the school library. However, the school does not support pupils who are in the early stages of learning to read as well as they could.

There is variability in the teaching of phonics. For example, when modelling the correct sounds or noticing pupils' mispronunciation. As a result, some pupils are unable to read with accuracy and fluency.

Leaders promote pupils' wider development well. Pupils learn about how to stay healthy, including preparing and enjoying nutritious meals. Pupils know how to stay safe online.

They are knowledgeable about different types of families and healthy and unhealthy relationships. Pupils learn how to be responsible citizens through activities such as planning and running monthly 'community cafes' for parents and local residents.

Trust leaders have introduced a new governance structure this academic year.

A local school board acts as an 'interface' between parents and the school. They understand their roles well. Trust leaders have a realistic view of the school.

While the new headteacher has driven school improvement with a sharp focus on the curriculum, trust leaders recognise there is still much to do. They are acting on this.

Staff say leaders consider their workload well.

Trustees keep a close eye on staff well-being and offer help where there is a need. Staff feel their well-being is supported effectively.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• There are inconsistencies in the implementation of the school's curriculum. In some lessons, including reading, teaching is not consistently clear and effective. In the early years, children are not explicitly taught the necessary skills and vocabulary to enable them to be successful.

As a result, pupils do not achieve as well as they could. The school should monitor the implementation of the curriculum, supporting staff were necessary, to ensure all pupils receive a high-quality education. ? Leaders are developing their assessment systems in the wider subjects.

However, teachers have not had the training to use these systems effectively. As a result, teachers do not have the information they need to plan lessons that sequentially build on what pupils know and can do. The school should ensure that staff have the training and support they need to ensure that learning is based on ongoing assessment that will enable pupils to learn more.

• In the early years, routines are not established quickly. Children and pupils do not display consistently good attitudes to learning. The school should ensure that all staff apply high expectations for behaviour so that all pupils are ready to learn.

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