Leslie Manser Primary School

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About Leslie Manser Primary School

Name Leslie Manser Primary School
Website http://www.lesliemanser.lincs.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Adrian Jones
Address Kingsdown Road, Doddington Park, Lincoln, LN6 0FB
Phone Number 01522688328
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 244
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud of their school.

They describe it as being like 'a second family'. Children in the early years get off to a good start. This continues throughout key stages 1 and 2.

Pupils feel valued and part of leaders' decisions. Parents and carers agree, with one saying, 'Staff treat children as individuals and not just another number.'

Staff build positive relationships with pupils.

Pupils get many opportunities to broaden their horizons. They visit Rand Farm to clean out the animals and cook their own sausages! They take part in choir, baking and kickboxing after-school clubs. Some pupils told us that they enjoy these activities so much that ...they 'don't want to leave school'.

Pupils behave well because they want to learn. They are tolerant and respectful. Younger pupils enjoy visits from residents of the local care home.

Older pupils are proud to host the annual reunion of squadron 50/61 for World War Two veterans. Pupils know what bullying is. They say that it does not happen at school.

Pupils instead focus on friendship. They told us all about the friendship bench, peace pole and 'friendship week'. Pupils say they feel safe in school.

They learn about road safety and first aid.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and governors have worked hard to improve the school since the previous inspection. They know what works well and what needs to get better.

They have trained staff well. Staff have strong subject knowledge in English and mathematics. They know how to support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) incredibly well.

As a result, pupils receive a good quality of education in most subjects. Leaders know that more needs to be done to improve teachers' subject knowledge in other subjects, such as art and design and technology.

Leaders make reading a top priority.

They have set out precisely what they want pupils to learn and by when. Phonics is taught well. Teachers use 'Fred talk' to model letters and the sounds they make.

Pupils enjoy this and learn to read words quickly. Pupils in key stage 2 achieve well in reading. Teachers explain ambitious vocabulary effectively, such as 'nomadic' and 'domestication'.

They encourage pupils to read with 'passion, pace and power'. Pupils enjoy reading. One pupil told us that he 'loves to read' and would 'knock our socks off' when reading aloud.

Leaders make sure that pupils' knowledge in mathematics builds each year. Teachers assess what pupils can already do, before moving on to more demanding content. Children in the early years have a good understanding of shape.

They told us about squares and rectangles and how they are different. Pupils in key stage 2 talk about fractions and use language such as 'numerator' and 'denominator'. Pupils' achievement continues to get better every year.

Pupils' work in history, geography and religious education (RE) is of a good quality. While leaders acknowledge that these curriculums are still improving, they have ordered effectively what pupils need to learn so that they know and remember more over time. For example, children in the early years and pupils in key stage 1 learn about dinosaurs and fossils.

They study the life and work of Mary Anning. Pupils in Year 3 use this knowledge when learning about the Stone Age. Leaders think carefully about how learning is revisited in other subjects.

Pupils learn about rivers in geography. They use this knowledge to study the River Nile when learning about Ancient Egypt in history.

Leaders have not yet decided what important knowledge pupils need to gain in art and in design and technology.

Some teachers are unclear of what pupils need to know and by when. Pupils enjoy these subjects but do not achieve as well as they should.

Leaders make sure that the school is highly inclusive.

The provision for pupils with SEND is excellent. Leaders have the highest ambitions for these pupils. Teaching assistants provide effective help and support.

Pupils know and understand each other. They listen to stories about what it is like to live with autism spectrum disorder.

Pupils enjoy learning about different faiths.

They visit mosques and Hindu temples. They talk about important questions such as, 'If God is good, why do bad things happen?' Pupils understand the need to help others. They have recently raised money for the victims of the Australian bushfires.

Lessons are not disrupted by poor behaviour. Leaders make sure that pupils get good support to manage their feelings and behaviour. Pupils enjoy coming to school to learn.

However, some disadvantaged pupils do not come to school regularly enough.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders make sure that the safety and well-being of pupils and their families are paramount.

Staff are well trained in safeguarding. They know the signs that a pupil may be at risk of abuse. They report these concerns quickly.

Leaders take all necessary steps to ensure that pupils are safe in school. They make referrals to other agencies for support. They understand their role in providing help to pupils and families.

Staff trained in mental health first aid and counselling provide support to pupils. Leaders run workshops for parents, such as 'SUMO' ('Stop, Understand and Move On'), to help manage children's behaviour at home.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

The school's curriculum is not yet sufficiently coherently planned and sequenced in some subjects, including for art and for design and technology.

However, it is clear from the actions that leaders have already taken to plan the curriculums in these subjects and train staff in how to deliver them that they are in the process of bringing this about. For this reason, inspectors have applied the transition arrangement in this case. Senior leaders should ensure that the curriculums in these subjects are more ambitious.

They should make clear what the most important knowledge is that pupils learn, and when. Subject leaders should have the time and resources to make sure that teachers have the knowledge and understanding to implement the curriculums effectively, so that pupils achieve well in these subjects. .

Most pupils have high attendance. However, some disadvantaged pupils do not attend school regularly enough. Leaders should ensure that these pupils attend school as regularly as other pupils.

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