Little Milton Church of England Primary School

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About Little Milton Church of England Primary School

Name Little Milton Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Alyson Frost
Address Stadhampton Road, Little Milton, Oxford, OX44 7QD
Phone Number 01844279310
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 39
Local Authority Oxfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a small school with a big vision.

Pupils state proudly: 'We see being a small school as a good thing because the teachers all know us and how to support us with our work and problems.' Pupils enjoy an engaging curriculum that excites and inspires them to learn new things with confidence. Pupils feel safe and say that bullying does not happen.

There are high expectations of pupils' work so that they make good progress. Pupils told inspectors that 'Activities here are fun and the work is challenging.'

Pupils get the right level of support to help them learn.

Pupils become active members of the school and wider community. They regularly take pa...rt in community activities such as fundraising for a new playground for younger children, and they enjoy inviting senior members of the village into school for social events.

Pupils value the wealth of opportunities available to them, including learning outdoors.

They enjoy working on projects with their peers and taking risks in a safe environment. This prepares pupils well for new experiences in the future. Behaviour is good, and pupils are keen to learn.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The headteacher makes sure that everyone works well together and focuses on the right things. Leaders' ambitious and decisive actions have reaped rewards. Pupils benefit from an increasingly consistent and effective education and achieve well.

There are examples of dramatic and life-changing improvements that have transformed pupils' attitudes and confidence. Staff demonstrate that every child is an equally valued and cared for member of the school family. They ensure that everyone who joins the school gets support to become a successful and confident learner.

Pupils say they feel lucky to attend such a caring school because 'Everyone has friends here and we all look out for each other.'

Learning in the early years is well planned so that pupils build up the knowledge and skills they need to be ready for future learning. Phonics and early reading are strongly prioritised and are taught well.

Children eagerly apply their knowledge of phonics when they tackle new words and sounds. Teachers celebrate children getting better at reading at every opportunity. The secure start children get ensures that they develop well as confident, independent learners.

In Year 1, teachers rightly continue to focus on improving pupils' phonics knowledge. The strategies they use match closely to what pupils need to help them to catch up. The school works well in partnership with parents and carers so that pupils secure strong reading skills over time.

There is a determined focus to enable pupils throughout the school to develop a wide vocabulary and communicate effectively. However, sometimes, although pupils enjoy the fun activities they take part in, they have not learned what the teacher intended. For example, they cannot recall the subject vocabulary they are meant to be learning.

Staff ensure that every pupil is given just the right support, at the right time. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. The well-tailored support and extra teaching pupils receive reinforces and extends pupils' understanding well.

Outdoor learning has been strong in capturing the interest and engagement of all pupils and turned around active boys who previously struggled to maintain focus in learning.

Governors are well informed about the school and know how to perform their legal responsibilities, and they do this well. They are committed, taking time to engage with the school community and have positive relationships with staff and a high profile with parents.

They ensure that the school is well led and managed and give the right balance of challenge and support for the headteacher.

Behaviour is strong because pupils are excited by the wide breadth of opportunities they have. Pupils are confident in approaching their next steps because there is an ambitious drive in developing their character and resilience.

They make strong connections with what they are learning and the skills they will need for future life and future employment. Pupils celebrate difference and enjoy the opportunities to learn and socialise with pupils across the school community. As one said, 'We are all proud to belong here because everyone is part of a family.'

Pupils learn how to keep healthy and active. For example, they visit a local cooking school and grow their own vegetables. Pupils learn about relationships and keeping their bodies safe through visits from the NSPCC and the school nurse.


Safeguarding is effective.

Records and practice around keeping children safe are secure and follow the school's policies. Reported concerns are followed up quickly to ensure that pupils who need help are given the right level of support when they need it.

Staff have regular training. There is a culture of vigilance. Pupils are aware of the dangers around them and why it is important to keep themselves safe from harm, including when handling outdoor tools, such as axes and knives, and when online.

Pupils are involved in writing their own anti-bullying policy.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

The new and exciting activities that teachers plan for pupils have increased engagement and enjoyment. However, sometimes, pupils are not clear about the purpose of the activities and do not learn what the teacher intends them to well enough.

To combat this, teachers need to make sure that pupils understand the purpose of the activities they undertake. Teachers need to check carefully that pupils have learned the intended curriculum. This includes supporting pupils to remember the complex subject vocabulary they are introduced to so that they can use these words accurately and fluently.

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