Llangewydd Junior School

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About Llangewydd Junior School

Name Llangewydd Junior School
Address Llangewydd Road, Bridgend, CF31 4JT
Phone Number 01656 815530
Phase Juniors
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 349 (51.6% boys 48.4% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 20.5
Local Authority Bridgend
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Llangewydd Junior School is a highly inclusive school that places a priority on the well-being of its pupils. Most pupils enter the school gates eagerly every morning and their behaviour across the school is exemplary. They know that all adults in the school care for them and that they can turn to them when they are concerned or worried.

As a result of this, nearly all pupils make good progress with their social skills. The respect pupils show to one another, staff and visitors is a notable feature of the school. The provision for pupils with additional learning needs (ALN) is a strength and leaders ensure that provision is suitably adapted to meet all pupil needs in the Special Provision Classes (SPC) and in mainstream classes..../>
Most pupils' skills in English across the school is a strength. In addition, they make good progress in developing their reading, writing, numeracy and Welsh oracy skills in lessons. However, most pupils do not make expected progress in developing their digital skills and, overall, they do not apply their skills as well as they could in other areas of learning.

All staff support the pupils extensively to develop positive attitudes to learning and, as a result, they engage successfully in class activities and around the school. The school's planning for the Curriculum for Wales is beginning to change teaching approaches suitably. Teachers provide pupils with sufficient opportunities to build on their knowledge and understanding.

However, they do not support all pupils to achieve to the best of their ability. In all classes across the school, teachers over direct the lessons and, as a result, although pupils thoroughly enjoy their lessons, their contribution towards their own learning and opportunities to work independently is underdeveloped. The newly appointed headteacher and governors are beginning to develop a vision for the school.

They are in the early stages of working collaboratively to ensure that self-evaluation processes are rigorous enough to bring about change, particularly in improving the standards of teaching and learning. Recommendations R1 Embed leadership at all levels and strengthen the role of the Governors to identify the school's priorities for improvement successfully R2 Ensure that teaching consistently provides opportunities to develop pupils' independent skills and challenges all pupils, particularly those who are more able R3 Ensure that the curriculum is meaningful for all pupils and builds their Numeracy and ICT skills systematically and coherently across the school R4 Provide pupils with opportunities to influence what and how they learn and to contribute to the development of the school What happens next The school will draw up an action plan which shows how it is going to address the recommendations. Estyn will work with the local authority to review the school's progress.

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