Lockwood Primary School

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About Lockwood Primary School

Name Lockwood Primary School
Website http://www.lockwoodprimaryschool.eschools.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Lesley Lawson
Address Lockwood Primary School, Margrove Road, Saltburn-by-the-Sea, TS12 3BL
Phone Number 01287650238
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 186
Local Authority Redcar and Cleveland
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school? '

A happy place to be' is the school's ethos, and this is certainly the case.

High levels of respect and strong relationships permeate the fabric of the school. Pupils say the best things about their school are the friends they make and the teachers who help them.

Leaders set high expectations for pupils to achieve well.

Pupils rise to the challenges they are set. They are excited by their learning and say how much more interesting their lessons are now.

Pupils behave well.

They are polite and courteous to visitors. They readily hold doors open for each other and for adults. There are very few incidents of inappropriate behaviour.

Su...ch incidents are dealt with swiftly and effectively. Bullying is rare. This creates a safe place in which pupils can learn.

Playtimes are busy occasions. The extensive school grounds are used well to ensure there is always plenty to do. School councillors are proud of the recently installed gym equipment, which they helped to arrange.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have revised the curriculum for foundation subjects. Advice and support from a range of external organisations have helped them in this process. The curriculum for each foundation subject identifies the essential knowledge pupils need to achieve well.

The expectations for what pupils need to learn are in line with the national curriculum.

Reading is at the core of the curriculum. Inspirational reading displays adorn corridors and classrooms.

A 'Welcome' noticeboard lists recommended reading for visitors to the school. The promotion of reading continues through the work of the pupil reading champions. It is their job to advocate a love of reading to their peers.

Early reading is secure. Pupils soon build their phonic knowledge. Any pupils falling behind receive timely individual support.

This means that pupils can keep up from the start. Books used for pupils to practise their reading align closely to their phonic knowledge.

Wider reading is similarly effective.

High-quality texts stimulate pupils' interests and foster high levels of engagement. Pupils are keen to talk about the range of books that they have read. Such a rich literary diet supports pupils well for wider study.

The mathematics curriculum is well considered. Leaders keep it under constant review so that it remains fit for purpose. As a result, pupils' understanding of mathematical fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving builds securely.

Key mathematical concepts are revisited regularly to embed knowledge. This is enabling pupils to be confident mathematicians.Leaders of all curriculum subjects are passionate in their roles.

They ensure that curriculum content for their subject areas is suitably ambitious and reflects the school's context. The essential knowledge that pupils learn is mapped out carefully. This builds step by step.

Pupils have noticed a difference in the way the curriculum is developing. They told inspectors how much easier it is to learn now. Pupils are remembering more.

However, aspects of disciplinary knowledge are less well established. In science, although pupils have opportunities to investigate, these are heavily scaffolded. This limits pupils' ability to use and apply what they know.

Similarly, in geography, there are fewer opportunities for pupils to fully develop their fieldwork skills and to deepen their subject understanding. Leaders know this aspect of the curriculum needs to be strengthened further.

The identification of need for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is effective.

The special educational needs coordinator offers expert support to teachers. She ensures that pupils' personal targets are manageable and precise. She supports teachers to make the necessary curriculum adaptations for pupils with SEND to access the curriculum and achieve their best.

Pupils' personal development is important to all. There is a comprehensive scheme of work in place to support pupils' personal, social and health education well. A detailed programme of assemblies, visits and clubs enriches this further.

Links with local industry are supporting pupils' understanding of possible future careers. The 'daily mile' ensures pupils are aware of the importance of physical health and well-being.

Children in the early years develop good foundational knowledge in all areas of learning.

Leaders ensure that the curriculum meets the requirements of the early years framework. Children particularly enjoy high-quality adult-led sessions where there are clear learning intentions. They develop and consolidate their learning through independent play in the different areas of the learning environment.

However, the design of activities to develop children's learning in this provision varies in quality. This means that children do not have sufficient opportunity to consolidate their learning in some aspects of the curriculum as well as they could.

Governance has changed over time.

New governors are appointed for their skills. Current governors have a strong understanding of the school. They have quickly got to grips with what the school does well and where it needs to improve.

There is a sustained focus on improving pupils' outcomes further.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders know their pupils and their wider families exceptionally well.

They are alert to any changes in pupils' behaviour that may require support. Leaders use the support of other agencies well.

Recruitment procedures are thorough.

All of the necessary safety checks are carried out for all adults before they join the school. There is a regular programme of training in place to make sure that all staff know the important role they play in keeping children safe.

An effective curriculum helps pupils to understand how to keep themselves safe, particularly when using the internet.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In foundation subjects, pupils' disciplinary knowledge is less secure than their substantive knowledge. This means that pupils do not always have the depth of understanding of which they are capable. Leaders need to strengthen this aspect of the curriculum so that pupils can extend their thinking and deepen their understanding in all subjects.

• The quality of learning activities in the early years continuous learning provision is variable. This means that opportunities for children to develop and consolidate their learning are inconsistent. Leaders need to improve the continuous learning provision so that all children have consistent and high-quality opportunities to consolidate their learning in all areas of the curriculum.

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