Logic Studio School

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About Logic Studio School

Name Logic Studio School
Website http://www.logicstudioschool.org
Ofsted Inspections
Alex Pett
Address Browells Lane, Feltham, TW13 7EF
Phone Number 0208313001
Phase Academy
Type Studio schools
Age Range 14-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 276
Local Authority Hounslow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The principal has established a specialist school that promotes a highly productive work ethic within a supportive learning environment. He is well supported by the senior team, trust directors and governors. Leaders have established very high expectations around behaviour and attendance.

Good teaching and exemplary relationships between staff and pupils result in an intensive learning culture. Pupils work very hard, attend regularly and have high aspirations for their future lives. Leaders are highly reflective.

They were quick to react to some decisions made in the early stages of the school's development. Their recent actions are now h...aving a demonstrable impact on the progress that pupils make. The specialist curriculum engages learners, and leaders ensure that links with employers lead to meaningful internships, work experience and project-based learning.

Pupils are, therefore, well prepared for life in modern Britain. Trust leaders and the local governing body are proud of the school's achievements to date. They manage the strategic aspects of the school very well, and ensure that they are highly visible within the school community.

Leaders ensure that pupils' personal development and well-being are given high priority in this inclusive school. A comprehensive coaching programme empowers pupils to learn effectively. Pupils, and students in the sixth form, are very well informed about how to stay safe and healthy in the wider community.

They are highly complimentary about the support and guidance they receive. This view is endorsed by the majority of parents and carers who responded to Parent View. Safeguarding arrangements are effective.

Some pupils struggle to communicate their ideas and knowledge effectively in writing. Leaders have prioritised this as an area for development, and recent initiatives are already having an impact. The 16 to 19 study programme is highly individualised.

Students achieve well, particularly in vocational qualifications. They progress on to suitable apprenticeships, employment or higher education. Expectations for how students in the sixth form maintain and present their work are inconsistent.

Consequently, some students require further support to reflect and act upon teachers' feedback and organise their work helpfully.

Information about this school

Logic Studio School is a specialist business and media school which opened in September 2016. It educates pupils and students aged from 14 to 19.

The school is part of the Tudor Park Education Trust. Girls represent just over a third of the pupil body. Almost half of the pupils are known to be eligible for the pupil premium funding, which is above average.

Two fifths of the pupils are from minority ethnic backgrounds, which is higher than the national average. The largest ethnic groups are: White – British; White – any other White background; Asian or Asian British-Indian; Black or Black British – African; and any other ethnic group. The proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language is above average, at almost half the school population.

Over a tenth of the pupils receive SEND support, which is above the national average. The proportion of pupils who have an education, health and care plan is below the national average. No pupils attend alternative provision.

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