Longford Primary Academy

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About Longford Primary Academy

Name Longford Primary Academy
Website http://www.longford.staffs.sch.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Louise Lawrence
Address Ascot Drive, Cannock, WS11 1PD
Phone Number 01543227410
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 306
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Longford Primary Academy is a friendly and welcoming school where pupils enjoy being with their friends and engaging in their learning.

The school's ethos 'hand in hand we learn' is reflected through many aspects of school life. Staff know pupils well and care about them. This helps pupils to feel happy and safe.

Some pupils do not know and remember the curriculum as well as leaders expect. Leaders have secured many recent improvements in school provision but know that there is more work to do. They are especially focused on improving the quality of education that the school provides.

Pupils learn about different types of bullying and understand that such beh...aviour is not accepted at the school. Incidents are very rare. Pupils trust adults to sort things out quickly when necessary.

Pupils are proud of their school. They make their own improvement suggestions through the school council. This arrangement boosts their confidence and helps them to develop a sense of responsibility.

Leaders use assemblies to promote pupils' understanding of social issues and current events. Pupils are encouraged to share their opinions by voting about these issues. This helps to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Senior leaders, relatively new to their posts, have a clear vision for the school. They understand their roles and they work well as a team. Governors and trust executives support these leaders well.

They have ensured leaders access useful training and that they collaborate with other professionals from within the trust. This work is having a positive influence. Most parents are very positive about recent changes in school provision.

However, leaders' vision for the school is not yet fully realised. Many of their ideas are in the early stages of being implemented. Leaders recognise that they have more work to do to improve the school.

Subject leaders have made changes to the way that the curriculum is designed. In most subjects, the curriculum is now well planned. The key information that pupils are expected to know and remember is set out clearly.

Teachers teach a series of lessons that are designed to build pupils' knowledge in a logical order. However, the curriculum is not yet fully impacting what pupils know and do. Many pupils have gaps in their knowledge.

They do not securely remember the essential information that leaders expect them to know by the time they leave the school.

There is variation in staff's expertise. Some adults do not yet have the subject knowledge that they need to teach the curriculum well.

Sometimes the explanations that staff give when presenting new information are not clear. Adults do not plan activities that help pupils learn as well as they might in some cases. Leaders have identified the need to improve teachers' subject knowledge.

They have put a programme in place to support staff's professional development.

Leaders have introduced a new approach to teaching phonics. Pupils in the early stages of learning to read benefit from daily phonics lessons.

These lessons are well-matched to pupils' abilities. All staff have been trained in how to teach the phonics programme. Many do this well, but some are still crafting their expertise.

This means that some lessons are not yet as effective as leaders intend them to be. Children in the early years are getting off to a good start and making progress through the planned phonics curriculum. However, some pupils across the school have gaps in their learning and are not yet able to read well enough.

Pupils behave well around the school and during lessons. They are eager to learn and listen carefully to their teachers. Their behaviour creates a calm and purposeful environment that benefits everyone.

Most children enjoy school and attend regularly. However, some pupils persistently miss school. This hinders them from reaching their potential.

Pupils benefit from a range of lessons and activities that promote their personal development. The school's personal, social and health education curriculum builds pupils' understanding of people from cultures and backgrounds that are different to their own. Pupils speak about the importance of values such as tolerance and respect.

They put these values into action. For example, they take part in charitable works such as collecting food for vulnerable members of the local community.

Leaders engage well with staff and work hard to promote staff's well-being.

Their approach has created a happy and productive spirit in the school. Staff's morale is high. The whole staff team are enthusiastic about continuing work to improve the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have ensured the school has a strong safeguarding culture. Adults understand the possible risks to children and are alert to raise concerns if necessary.

Leaders promptly deal with such issues. They work well with external agencies to help children receive the support that they need.

Pupils learn about potential risks through their study of the curriculum.

They know how to keep themselves safe when using the internet. Older pupils take part in workshops that develop their awareness of issues in the local community. This helps them be ready for the challenges involved in moving to secondary school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• There have been weaknesses in the way that the curriculum has been planned and taught in the past. This means that pupils do not know and remember the key information that leaders expect. Leaders should continue to improve the quality of education so that pupils understand and remember key curriculum information.

• There is variation in staff's expertise. Sometimes adults do not choose activities that help pupils to learn well. Leaders should continue to develop staff's understanding of how to teach the curriculum well.

• Rates of persistent absence remain high. This means that some pupils miss too much of their education. Leaders should continue to work with families to ensure that all pupils attend school regularly.

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