Longstone CofE Primary School

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About Longstone CofE Primary School

Name Longstone CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Tom Osborn
Address The Cross, Main Street, Great Longstone, DE45 1TZ
Phone Number 01629640377
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 104
Local Authority Derbyshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school.

The headteacher has provided clear and determined leadership that has resulted in significant improvements to the quality of teaching and learning since the last inspection. The enthusiastic subject leaders share the headteacher's vision and commitment. They check information on teaching and learning robustly and support other staff in putting improvements in place.

Pupils behave well. They are polite and courteous to visitors and show respect to teachers and other children. From starting points that are broadly in line with expectations, pupils achieve well in all areas of the curriculum.

They make good progress throughout scho...ol, reaching standards that are above average in reading, writing and mathematics. All groups of pupils achieve well, including those eligible for the pupil premium, disabled pupils and those with special educational needs. Teaching is good with some that is outstanding.

Teachers link together subject areas extremely well to make lessons meaningful and relevant to pupils. Attendance is above average. Pupils enjoy coming to school and feel safe there.

Pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness is developed very well. Pupils enjoy taking part in music and show great empathy and sensitivity to the world around them. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Although both boys and girls perform well compared to national outcomes, there is a gap between boys' and girls' attainment, particularly in English.

Teachers do not consistently ensure all pupils receive regular opportunities to discuss the work of their classmates or that, when they do, their comments are accurate.

Information about this school

This school is smaller than the average-sized primary school. Most pupils are of White British origin and almost all have English as their first language.

A very small minority of pupils are eligible for the pupil premium. This is additional government funding for specific pupils, such as those eligible for free school meals and those looked after by the local authority. The proportion of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs supported through school action is above average.

The proportion of pupils supported at school action plus or who have a statement of special educational needs is below average. Children are taught in five mixed-age classes. The school meets the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress.

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