Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend

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About Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend

Name Mayfield Grammar School, Gravesend
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Headteacher Elaine Wilson
Address Pelham Road, Gravesend, DA11 0JE
Phone Number 01474352896
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 1394
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive within the school's highly ambitious culture.

The expertly designed curriculum inspires pupils to develop a deep understanding across a broad range of subjects. Pupils are challenged both academically and personally. The 'Learning Excellence and Aspire Programme' cultivates pupils' many talents and individual interests through inspiring project work.

Sixth-form students are well prepared for their future study and careers.

High expectations underpin every aspect of school life, from academic success to attendance and behaviour. Pupils eagerly aspire to meet the challenges they are set.

They are extremely attentive during lessons and beh...ave maturely and sensibly around the school. Pupils are not concerned by bullying. They are confident that staff would address any issues that arise.

This helps pupils to feel safe. High levels of respect are shown to others. This reflects the emphasis on ensuring an inclusive environment where everyone is welcome.

The 'Speak Out' group promote equalities, diversity and inclusion. Enjoyable cultural days provide an opportunity to celebrate pupils' different heritages and beliefs.

Pupils appreciate the vast array of sporting, cultural and creative activities on offer.

The 'Mayfield Challenge' extends pupils' skills beyond the classroom. Opportunities to learn camp craft, achieve a first-aid qualification or raise money for charity are valued and cherished.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum is aspirational for every pupil.

In each subject, lessons ensure pupils learn knowledge and skills that are beyond the expectations of the national curriculum. The 'Mayfield Baccalaureate' provides pupils with an interesting mix of humanity subjects at key stage 4, including classical civilisation, economics and psychology. There is a strong culture of reading in the school where pupils read widely and often.

Poetry and journalism competitions support this, igniting a passion for literature.

Across subjects, the powerful knowledge that pupils will learn and remember is diligently identified and taught. Important themes and concepts are threaded through the curriculum and revisited regularly.

Practical skills are also developed in a well-sequenced manner. This ensures that, for example, pupils develop the ability to work scientifically and carry out interesting experiments that deepen their expertise.

At key stages 3 and 4, the curriculum is delivered exceptionally well.

Teachers have expert subject knowledge, providing precise explanations. The way that modern foreign languages are taught is a particular strength of the school. Pupils benefit from the opportunity to learn several different languages, including Mandarin.

Through the 'Mandarin Excellence Programme', pupils rapidly develop excellent speaking, listening and writing skills.

Teachers regularly refer to prior learning, helping pupils to make connections between what they already know and new information. The activities provided to help pupils learn are carefully crafted.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) specifically receive comprehensive support that meets their identified individual needs. This ensures pupils develop a secure understanding of complex concepts and vocabulary that helps them to achieve highly in national examinations. This includes the small number of disadvantaged pupils who are also successfully prepared for the next stage of their education, training or employment.

Sixth-form students study a broad range of academic and vocational subjects. Additionally, they benefit from an impressive enrichment offer. Wednesday afternoons provide the opportunity to pursue interests including in sport, developing confidence with public speaking or learning British Sign Language.

Careers guidance is comprehensive. Those who progress to university receive comprehensive support. The 'Wills and Walder' lecture programme provides further learning across stimulating academic topics to support this transition.

However, students do not typically achieve as highly here as they do in key stage 4. While many subjects are taught very well, in some others, teachers do not always check students' understanding as well as they could. The school recognises this inconsistency and is implementing its comprehensive plans to address this.

Attendance is high. Within school, pupils are punctual to their lessons, moving quickly and sensibly around the site. The school thoroughly monitors absence.

Assistance is quickly put in place for the very small number of pupils with lower attendance. This includes pastoral support when this is needed. Pupils behave remarkably well.

They are polite and courteous to one another and their teachers.

The school's personal development programme is outstanding. Pupils develop real strength of character because of the abundant opportunities provided to them.

For example, leadership skills are fostered through high-profile peer mentoring schemes and the school council. Pupils play an important role in their local community, including supporting local care homes. Sixth-form students receive training to mentor younger pupils.

Through this, pupils recognise the value of their role in the school community and as citizens.

Over recent years the school has grown considerably. School leaders and trustees have overseen ongoing building work which is providing pupils with access to high-quality learning environments.

Leaders have fostered a collaborative environment where professional development and staff well-being are prioritised. Staff value the systems and processes in place to provide a high-quality education for all.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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