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Pupils value difference and diversity. They understand the importance of tolerance and respect. As such, relationships between pupils and staff are respectful.
Most pupils behave well and focus on their learning. Some pupils do not attend school often enough. This means that they miss out on valuable learning.
The school has designed an ambitious curriculum that is taught well by teachers with secure subject knowledge. Teachers ensure that the new content that pupils learn builds on what they have been taught previously. Over time, the school has not identified and supported pupils' special educational needs and/or... disabilities (SEND) quickly enough.
Leaders, including those from the multi-academy trust, have made changes to the approach to SEND. This has improved the support for many pupils with SEND.
Leaders have prioritised pupils' wider personal development.
Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain through a carefully considered form time programme, assemblies and the taught curriculum. The school offers an array of extra-curricular opportunities that pupils make good use of. This includes clubs such as Dungeons and Dragons, choir, debate club and various sporting activities.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school's curriculum helps pupils to learn the important content that leaders have identified in each subject. Pupils use this knowledge to complete the challenging work that teachers set. During their time in school, pupils become more confident in using specialised vocabulary in both their verbal and written responses.
Previously, some disadvantaged pupils have not performed as well as their peers in national assessments. However, disadvantaged pupils currently in school are making better progress through the curriculum.
The school has prioritised improving the provision for pupils with SEND.
There is a specific SEND action plan that is checked by leaders regularly. The implementation of this plan has led to improvements in school systems, staff training and the ways in which pupils are supported in lessons. Staff know pupils well.
They receive information on how to help pupils with SEND access their learning. However, for some pupils with SEND, this support did not come quickly enough. For these pupils, and their parents and carers frustrations remain.
Leaders are successfully developing a culture of reading across the school. The library is a hive of activity for many pupils during social times. Pupils who need extra help to become confident and fluent readers are supported by well-trained staff.
Most pupils behave well. They understand the school's behaviour and rewards system. Although some pupils display challenging behaviour, it does not disrupt the daily life of the school.
Bullying and the use of derogatory language are not common at Millthorpe School. Pupils understand the importance of being inclusive and respectful to all members of the school community.
Some pupils do not attend school often enough.
This includes disadvantaged pupils and some pupils with SEND. The school has prioritised pupils' regular attendance. It adopts a tenacious approach to tackling poor attendance.
Leaders' high expectations have resulted in an improvement in overall attendance across the school. Although the number of pupils persistently absent from school has decreased, there are still some pupils with very low attendance.
The school has designed a new and detailed curriculum for personal development.
Pupils learn important information about, for example, online safety, financial management and respectful relationships. The form time 'culture curriculum' consolidates what pupils learn through the taught curriculum. This means pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.
Pupils benefit from an effective careers programme. They make informed decisions about their next steps in education, training or employment.
Leaders, including those from the multi-academy trust, have an ambitious vision for Millthorpe School.
Their actions have improved the school. This is recognised by most parents, staff and pupils. Staff are proud to work at the school.
However, a small number of parents feel disconnected from the changes that the school has made. These include some parents of pupils with SEND. Leaders are implementing plans to strengthen the school's relationship with its stakeholders.
Trustees and governors closely monitor the impact of this work. They are well informed and have an accurate view of the school's strengths and areas for improvement.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Some pupils are absent from school too often. These pupils miss out on learning and have gaps in their knowledge. The school should continue to understand the causes of poor attendance and be even more robust in its approach to securing improved attendance across the school.
• Some pupils with SEND have previously not received the support that they need quickly enough. This has led to frustration for some parents and has meant that pupils with SEND have not been consistently well supported. The school should embed recent improvements to ensure pupils with SEND receive the support that they need promptly.
• Some parents feel disconnected from the changes happening at the school. This has led to the school's relationship with some stakeholders not being as strong as they could be. The school should continue to engage with the views of parents and build stronger relationships with all members of the school community.
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