Monkseaton High School

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About Monkseaton High School

Name Monkseaton High School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher TBA TBA
Address Seatonville Road, Whitley Bay, NE25 9EQ
Phone Number 01912979700
Phase Secondary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 13-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 490
Local Authority North Tyneside
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders have created a culture where 'equality, opportunity, inclusion and achievement' permeate the school community and are the cornerstone of their work. As a result, pupils are extremely respectful, tolerant and caring. Therefore, pupils' personal development and welfare are outstanding.

The headteacher and deputy headteacher, supported well by other leaders, have an accurate view of the school and what needs to be done to improve. The curriculum provides pupils with a broad range of subjects. Extra-curricular opportunities develop pupils' personal and social skills.

Leaders have created a culture where staff can learn from one anothe...r. As a result, morale is high. The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is good.

Teachers' strong subject knowledge and expertise are clear. They use this well to plan learning that engages pupils and sequence activities so that pupils can build their knowledge and skills over time. In the main, questioning is used well to engage and prompt pupils' ideas.

However, there are times when questioning does not encourage pupils to extend or fully develop their ideas. Similarly, there are times when learning activities do not demand enough from pupils. Pupils' behaviour is good and, in some instances, exemplary.

Pupils enjoy their time at school and they demonstrate this through their words and actions. Despite some historical variability, particularly for disadvantaged pupils, current pupils in the school are achieving well. Rates of progress are improving for different groups of pupils and across a wide range of subjects.

Therefore, pupils' outcomes are good. Leaders' efforts to improve identified pupils' reading skills are bearing fruit. Appropriate support and intervention are helping pupils develop those skills necessary for future success.

The sixth form is good. New line management and leadership of the sixth form are providing a strong foundation for improvement. Students' attitudes to their studies are a strength of this phase of the school.

As a result, they achieve well over time. While showing some sign of improvement, pupils' attendance is not high enough, especially for disadvantaged pupils. However, leaders have initiated a raft of strategies to support individual pupils and ensure they attend more regularly.

Information about this school

The school is a smaller than the average-sized secondary school. The vast majority of pupils are White British, and few pupils are from minority ethnic backgrounds. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for the pupil premium is above the national average.

In contrast, the proportion of pupils identified with SEND is below average. The school serves pupils from Years 9 to 13. Most pupils arrive at the school from neighbouring middle schools.

However, there are a number of pupils whose time at the school begins during the academic year. A small number of identified pupils access alternative provision at PALS and Moorbridge Pupil Referral Unit. The school continues to run a successful football academy.

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