Newport Church of England Aided Primary School

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About Newport Church of England Aided Primary School

Name Newport Church of England Aided Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Miss Katherine Marshall
Address Hazel Close, Newport, PO30 5GD
Phone Number 01983522826
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 310
Local Authority Isle of Wight
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils rise to leaders' high expectations. They thrive in this nurturing, kind and inclusive school. Pupils are happy and feel safe.

Children in early years go out of their way to show kindness to others. They play well together and share their resources generously. Older pupils are delighted about being appointed to roles such as sports captains, values leaders, agents for change and librarians.

Visits to Osbourne House and Quay Arts promote pupils' appreciation of their unique island heritage.

Playtimes are cheerful, sociable occasions. Pupils revel in exercising in the outdoor gym and the climbing wall.

They are proud to choose their lunch menu an...d make sure that the meals are 'nutritious and tasty'. Pupils know well the advantages of a healthy diet and of being active.

Pupils are confident that any unkind behaviour will not be tolerated.

They trust that staff will deal with any bullying immediately. Pupils look forward to the after-school activities. They are particularly fond of the singing, craft, chess, drawing and multi-sports clubs.

Pupils understand the importance of equality. As one Year 5 pupil said, 'We treat everyone fairly because, even though we are all different, we are equal. We celebrate that we live in a diverse country.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have high aspirations of what pupils can accomplish. They have designed a dynamic and interesting curriculum in all subjects. Leaders have set out very carefully what they want pupils to learn and know well across all classes.

Children in early years confidently explore their ideas in the well-resourced, stimulating environment. They talk enthusiastically about their work and play. Occasionally, they are easily distracted and lose interest.

This is because, sometimes, teachers do not check how well all children and pupils are learning. They do not always help pupils to overcome some of their misconceptions and to learn as well as they could.

Pupils and children in early years are upbeat about their learning.

They attend school regularly and respond well to the reminders that staff give them on how to conduct themselves. Leaders and staff manage pupils with complex behavioural needs sensitively. They are ambitious that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are involved fully in all aspects of school life.

Pupils' additional needs are identified efficiently. Teachers use a wide range of appropriate resources and materials to support these pupils in their learning.

Pupils develop a deep love of reading.

For example, younger children take great pleasure in listening to the stories and rhymes staff share. Older pupils relish visiting the library. They enjoy selecting texts on a wide range of themes and topics.

Children are introduced to phonics right from the moment they join Reception.However, sometimes, staff do not make sure that all pupils learn their phonic sounds quickly to help them build fluency and accuracy in their reading. The books some pupils read do not help them to practise the sounds they are taught.

Leaders are addressing this.

Leaders foster pupils' personal development effectively. Pupils benefit from an interesting range of opportunities to help them become well-rounded citizens.

For example, through 'picture news', they debate current affairs and topics, such as deforestation, refugeehood, space pollution, artificial intelligence and racism. Pupils talk knowledgeably about different cultures, communities and celebrations. For instance, they discuss Diwali and Chinese New Year.

Pupils, including children in early years, learn how to look after their community. They regularly make donations to the local food bank and raise funds for the charities they support. Pupils routinely organise and run 'intergenerational' events for residents in the care home.

They are proud of their recent visit to the magistrate's court, where they learned about the rule of law. Pupils work with a range of professionals and find out about the jobs and careers they can choose.

Governors are well informed about the school and share leaders' vision for staff and pupils.

They offer effective challenge to leaders about the quality of education. Staff feel valued, motivated and appreciated. They know that leaders and governors are mindful of their workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders make sure that staff are well trained and have expert knowledge of safeguarding systems. They know pupils and their families well.

Staff are adept at spotting the signs that any pupils may be at risk of harm. They record these concerns promptly. Leaders secure timely help for pupils who need it.

They work well in partnership with external agencies. Governors and leaders carry out meticulous checks to ensure that all adults are eligible to work with children. The curriculum enables pupils to learn about online safety, as well as water and road safety.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Occasionally, teachers do not check and address gaps or misconceptions in pupils' knowledge and understanding. As a result, pupils do not learn as well as they could. Leaders should ensure that all teachers are well trained to deliver the curriculum effectively.

There is some inconsistent teaching in phonics, and the books pupils read are not always well matched to the sounds they know. As a result, some of the youngest readers do not learn to read quickly and with fluency. Leaders should continue to provide further training to develop staff expertise to deliver the school's phonics programme effectively.

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