Newton Abbot College

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About Newton Abbot College

Name Newton Abbot College
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mrs Amy Grashoff
Address Old Exeter Road, Newton Abbot, TQ12 2NF
Phone Number 01626367335
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1327
Local Authority Devon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders, staff and pupils work well together, and this provides for a harmonious school, where pupils are thriving.

Leaders have high expectations. By prioritising their actions carefully, standards and pupils' progress are improving. However, planning is not precise enough so does not provide a clear focus for some aspects of monitoring and evaluation.

Leaders consider the curriculum annually in light of the current cohort. Consequently, pupils receive a suitable offer of subject choices. Pupils are respectful of each other and adults.

Their behaviour is consistently of a high standard. Most teachers plan effectively, and pupils... engage in their learning. On occasions, some teachers fail to challenge the most able pupils to extend their learning.

Teaching in mathematics is not as strong as other subjects, particularly in key stage 3. Teachers do not use reasoning and problem-solving adequately and do not build on the prior achievements of pupils at key stage 2. Pupils attend school regularly.

Very few pupils are persistently absent. Leaders use systems effectively to chase the few pupils who do not attend consistently. Pupils have a strong moral conscience and understand the consequences of their choices.

Pupils have access to several experiences that enrich their lives, both in the school day and as part of extra-curricular activities. However, leaders have not yet planned a coherent personal, social, health and economic programme. Younger pupils do not feel that the curriculum fits their needs.

Older pupils, including those in the sixth form, are unclear about extremism and its influences. The study programmes for 16- to 19-year-olds are effective. Students go on work experience and placements that prepare them for life beyond school.

Students in the sixth form are achieving significantly above average in the majority of their A-level subjects because teaching is good.

Information about this school

Newton Abbot College is larger than the average secondary school. The school converted to an academy in 2011.

There are more males than females in the school. The proportion of pupils who receive pupil premium funding is slightly lower than average. There is a greater proportion of pupils who have an education, health and care plan than average, but a lower proportion than average of pupils with SEND.

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