North Shore Academy

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About North Shore Academy

Name North Shore Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Andrew Murphy
Address Talbot Street, Stockton-on-Tees, TS20 2AY
Phone Number 01642612381
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 734
Local Authority Stockton-on-Tees
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are exceptionally proud to attend this school. Relationships between pupils and teachers are highly respectful and very caring.

Pupils believe that teachers help them to do their best. One pupil told inspectors that teachers at this school 'make you feel good about yourself'. Pupils respect each other.

They know that teachers will quickly help to resolve bullying issues on the very rare occasions that they occur.

Pupils really enjoy attending school. In lessons, pupils concentrate well and produce work of a very high quality.

Leaders ensure there are a wide range of clubs and after school activities, which pupils frequently attend. Inspectors ...saw pupils revelling in rehearsals for the upcoming school production of 'Annie'. Pupils are involved in community work through the effective system of school pledges.

Teachers are enthusiastic about pupils' enjoyment of reading. There is a buzz about reading due to initiatives, such as 'The Masked Reader'. Visiting speakers, such as athletes and poets, really inspire pupils.

Pupils' behaviour in lessons and at social times is exemplary. The social space known as the 'heart space' has a calm, friendly atmosphere. In this area, pupils enjoy talking about what they are learning with teachers.

Teachers provide stimulating articles about local and global issues, which pupils enjoy reading. These articles enable pupils to understand the world around them.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff at all levels speak with pride and passion about working at North Shore Academy.

A caring culture permeates the school. Pupils feel cared for by staff. Staff feel that leaders care about their well-being.

A large majority of parents told inspectors that their children are happy. Some told inspectors about their 'delight' at the 'amazing' work of the school. Governors and trustees have a clear understanding of leaders' plans.

A strong culture of reading is helping leaders to ensure that all pupils do very well at this school. Leaders identify the weakest readers early. These pupils quickly become fluent readers and thoroughly enjoy reading.

The special educational needs coordinator (SENDCo) works with teachers to ensure these pupils receive the targeted help they need in lessons.

Leaders plan for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to study the broadest range of subjects. Teachers use education, health and care plans sensitively to adapt lessons for pupils with SEND.

Pupils are confident in lessons, they believe that they can succeed, and they do succeed.

Ambitious curriculum plans across all subjects allow pupils to successfully build knowledge over time. Subject leaders' plans often exceed the breadth of the national curriculum.

Science plans, for example, cover topics relevant to the local area. Teachers have a precise understanding of gaps in pupils' knowledge through regular assessment. In lessons, regular retrieval activities help pupils to recall what they have learned.

Teachers speak to pupils about important subject knowledge during social times. Pupils told inspectors that they enjoy these conversations. Formal assessments show that the large majority of pupils remember the knowledge that teachers identify as important.

Behaviour in lessons is exemplary. Consistent routines allow pupils to focus on important subject knowledge. Pupils' work in books shows the pride they feel in being part of this school.

Leaders produce high-quality resources, such as the 'Need to Know' booklets, for all pupils in Years 7 to 10. This helps pupils to know what they are expected to learn. Subject leaders work together to make links between different subject areas.

These 'Subject on a Page' sheets help pupils to connect knowledge across, for example, mathematics and science.

Pupils have a well-developed understanding of modern Britain. In history, leaders have adapted the curriculum to ensure pupils learn about racial equality.

Leaders plan 'Life at North Shore' lessons so that pupils build knowledge about issues affecting Britain. This has recently included topics on COVID-19 (coronavirus) and sexism. Teachers regularly talk about important issues with pupils in tutor groups and assemblies.

These topics link to the non-fiction articles in the 'heart space'. This detailed, coherent planning means pupils develop high levels of respect for each other and their community. Leaders often ask pupils for their views.

Consequently, after-school clubs cover a range of interests, which appeal to large numbers of pupils. Many pupils enthusiastically attend and enjoy these clubs.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff receive regular safeguarding training. Leaders ensure that all staff have a clear understanding of their duties related to safeguarding.

Leaders know pupils well.

They have good relationships with families. 'Personal Development Centres' help pupils with specific issues as they arise. Leaders have planned the curriculum to make sure that pupils are aware of the risks associated with the local area.

Pupils report that they feel safe and can identify adults that they know will help them.

Governors and trustees check safeguarding records and procedures. They understand how leaders help to keep pupils safe.

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