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The school's vision of 'enriching lives, unleashing possibilities and building futures' is fully realised. Oakhill Primary School may be small, but it has a big school mindset.
Pupils benefit from a curriculum that is highly developed, exciting and engaging. Pupils thrive, enjoy their learning, and attend very well. They feel very safe and behave extremely well, demonstrating strong resilience and commitment to their learning.
As a result, pupils achieve very highly. Children in Reception also achieve very well.
Pupils' personal development is of exceptional quality.
By Year 6, pupils are confident, mature individuals who are curious, knowledgeable a...nd well-equipped to function effectively in society. Pupils take on significant leadership roles such as prefects, play leaders, eco-warriors and lunch leaders. They enjoy attending very well-considered trips and residential visits, using their experiences to enrich their learning.
This contributes to the high quality of work and the development of strong evaluative skills. Pupils also attend a very wide range of clubs, including football, badminton, drama, and board games. The choir rehearse songs with great passion and accuracy.
Pupils in the dance club demonstrate high levels of commitment and enthusiasm.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The curriculum is highly ambitious and personalised, meeting the needs of pupils. The school has ensured the key knowledge is identified and carefully sequenced in a logical order.
Children in early years settle very quickly into their learning routines and get off to a rapid start. In art activities, children learn 'all about me' drawing self-portraits with increasing accuracy while holding pencils with precise technique. The art and design curriculum continues with practical skills being developed over time.
In Year 3, pupils paint and apply their brush strokes effectively to capture the tone and shade of their sky paintings.
Subjects are delivered skilfully. Teachers benefit from the support of specialist subject experts who are passionate about their work.
They develop the curriculum and enhance teachers' subject knowledge very well. Teachers deliver learning through carefully chosen activities, presenting information very clearly and revisiting prior knowledge. In Year 5 physical education, pupils learn different types of passes and how to control the hockey stick with greater accuracy.
Pupils demonstrate strong knowledge and practical applications of these skills by linking them to different team sports and play situations.
The teaching of reading is highly prioritised within the school. Children in Reception learn to blend sounds so they can recognise words more easily.
Through Years 1 and 2, pupils continue to benefit from a skilful approach to the teaching of phonics. Any pupils who have fallen behind receive targeted support, which helps them to catch up quickly. They become more confident and increase their fluency in reading.
Pupils enjoy reading across the school. Older pupils talk about their reading and understand the characters and the plot of the story.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve very well.
This is because the school identifies their needs accurately and relentlessly ensures that these needs are met. The staff ensure that any necessary adaptations to teaching are capably implemented.
Starting in the nurturing early years environment, behaviour is exceptional.
Children in Reception settle very quickly into routines and take turns when using equipment. They cooperate very well with each other. The school has created a very strong culture where all pupils and staff are important.
There are very high expectations of what pupils are required to do. They rise to these expectations. Pupils demonstrate a hunger to learn.
They are resilient and confident to use their mistakes to help them improve. Bullying is very rare. Pupils know who they can talk to, and the school takes very swift action to resolve any issues.
The personal, social, health and economic programme is very well sequenced, enabling pupils to acquire a vast range of knowledge. This includes how to keep safe and mentally alert. They understand how to contribute to society.
Year 6 pupils talk about the use of bank accounts and credit or debit cards. Pupils proudly represent the school. Their high-quality artwork is proudly displayed.
Pupils visit many places, including museums, places of worship and art venues. Visiting authors and other guests enrich pupils' knowledge and understanding of society.
Leaders, including the governing body, work exceptionally well with the Opossum Federation.
The school collaborates well with other primary schools. Staff are highly appreciative of the significant reduction in workload this brings. Staff welcome the many professional development opportunities that enable them to advance their role, knowledge and skills.
The school works very well with the community. Parents and carers are highly appreciative and supportive of the school, including the quality of provision for pupils with SEND.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.