Oasis Academy Johanna

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About Oasis Academy Johanna

Name Oasis Academy Johanna
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Paul David
Address Johanna Street, Lower Marsh, London, SE1 7RH
Phone Number 02079285814
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 200
Local Authority Lambeth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Short inspection of Oasis Academy Johanna

Following my visit to the school on 06 March 2019, I write on behalf of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills to report the inspection findings.

The visit was the first short inspection carried out since the school was judged to be good in March 2015. This school continues to be good. The leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection.

You and the associate principal have worked closely to ensure that the school is a happy and welcoming place. You focus on ensuring that the school is inclusive and you have created strong bonds with the local community. Leaders have worked to ...address areas for improvement following the last inspection.

As a result, pupils' writing has improved. They have opportunities to write in a range of subjects and styles, for example in their work on the Romans, through newspaper reports and writing stories. Pupils are very proud of their writing and feel that their writing is enhanced by the topics they study.

Children in the early years enjoy learning and make good progress. Leaders ensure that a wide range of purposeful activities develop children's speaking and listening skills. Children are confident and use a wide range of vocabulary.

Leaders and teachers create many opportunities for pupils to contribute to the life of the school. Consequently, pupils like coming to school and are very proud of their school. They particularly enjoy the many school trips which help them learn about the different topics they study.

For example, Year 6 pupils spoke enthusiastically about their performance of Hamlet at the RADA studio and Year 2 enjoyed their trip to the Tower of London. Teachers help pupils develop positive relationships at school through a combination of assemblies and lessons that reflect on friendship. Staff ensure that pupils have positive behaviour strategies to develop their independence.

Pupils say that there is always someone to talk to if they are worried or upset. Year 6 young leaders help other pupils in the school, demonstrating that they are responsible and trusted in the school community. The academy board, regional director and academy council have a good knowledge of the school.

They are committed to working with leaders to ensure continual improvement. The multi-academy trust provides a good level of challenge and support. It ensures that extra funding received for disadvantaged pupils and for those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is well used, and has a positive effect on pupils' progress.

Parents and carers speak positively about the school. They value the work the school does to include all families in the community. Parents enjoy helping their children with homework and finding out about the local area.

Parents appreciate how much the school values parent involvement and the wider sense of community. Parents value feeling connected to the school's services and initiatives. Many parents also appreciate the support provided for pupils with SEND, and they value the work of the special educational needs coordinator (SENCo).

Leaders and teachers ensure that pupils' behaviour in lessons and around the school is good. As a result, pupils have a positive approach to their work, listen carefully and answer questions confidently. Pupils learn about different cultures and faiths, promoting tolerance and respect.

Leaders' planning of the curriculum and pastoral care provides pupils with opportunities to learn about life in modern Britain. The school's work to support pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is effective. The Oasis 'nine habits' enable pupils to develop as compassionate, global citizens.

Provision for pupils with SEND is of a high standard. The SENCo focuses on enabling pupils to achieve the best possible outcomes. Staff support pupils with complex needs and work closely with health professionals and parents to ensure that these pupils' needs are met.

Pupils are supported in their learning and make good progress from their individual starting points. The school is committed to the inclusion of all pupils and creates a welcoming and accessible environment. Safeguarding is effective.

The culture of safeguarding in the school is strong. The associate principal and SENCo, who are the designated safeguarding leads, along with other leaders, ensure that all safeguarding arrangements and records are high quality. Staff receive annual training and regular briefings about current safeguarding practice.

All staff know how to recognise warning signs that a pupil may be at risk of harm and how to report their concerns. Records are comprehensive and show that swift action is taken should the need arise. The school's good knowledge of families and pupils ensures that pupils are safe and well supported.

Leaders with specific safeguarding responsibilities work closely with outside agencies to safeguard pupils' well-being. Pupils' safety is of paramount importance to all. Pupils report that they feel safe in school and parents agree that they are safe.

Pupils have a good understanding and knowledge of issues such as e-safety, drug misuse and gang culture. Staff are very aware of the need to safeguard pupils within the local community. School assemblies and lessons on safeguarding help pupils recognise dangers; as a result, they know how to protect themselves and keep safe within the local community.

Leaders and staff work hard to ensure that pupils attend school regularly, ensuring that pupils and parents know the importance of coming to school every day. Absence and persistent absence rates are lower than the national average. Assemblies and reward systems reinforce the priority of good attendance.

Inspection findings ? At the start of the inspection we agreed that the first key line of enquiry would be pupils' progress in mathematics. In 2018, attainment in mathematics was broadly in line with national averages. However, fewer girls than boys attained the higher standard in mathematics.

In 2018, assessments also showed that Year 6 girls made weaker progress in mathematics than in writing during key stage 2. You recognise the need to ensure that girls make good progress in mathematics and you have analysed their performance closely. This analysis shows that the dip in progress by girls in mathematics was specific to 2018.

• To ensure good progress for all pupils, including girls, teachers have implemented mastery mathematics teaching from Year 1 to Year 4. This approach aims for pupils to gain a high degree of competency in mathematics topics before progressing to the next topic. Some elements of mastery are also included in Years 5 and 6.

Pupils learn through using physical objects, pictures and, when ready, more abstract thinking. Girls in Year 6 are confident in discussing the relationship between numbers. Girls in Year 4 understand how to convert fractions to decimals and percentages.

However, in some classes, some girls do not fully understand what they are learning, and sometimes teachers do not always address their misconceptions. ? Pupils' books show that teachers ensure that pupils learn and practise a range of mathematical topics. However, pupils' presentation in books across key stage 2 is inconsistent.

Again, some teachers do not always address misconceptions; as a result, some pupils make similar mistakes over time. Books also show some pupils do not use mathematical vocabulary accurately when explaining how problems are solved. ? Next, we agreed to see how effectively leaders' actions have improved standards in reading in key stage 1.

The teaching of phonics is a strength of the school, with a structured daily phonics programme which enables pupils to make good progress. The percentage of pupils in Year 1 who have passed the 'phonics screening check' has been considerably higher than national averages in the past two years. Teachers focus strongly on pupils' speaking and listening and their understanding of new vocabulary, so that pupils are able to use their phonic knowledge accurately.

• Teachers in Years 1 and 2 ensure that pupils read with understanding. Pupils decode words using their knowledge of sounds. They are confident readers.

Pupils can explain the difference between fiction and non-fiction books and express preferences fluently for different types of books. In Reception and Year 1, teachers ensure that pupils read in groups each day. As a result, pupils practise using the sounds they have learned in their writing and group reading to improve further.

Pupils' reading logs show that they read at home regularly. ? Finally, we looked at the wider curriculum and its impact on pupils' learning. The curriculum is broad and balanced.

It provides pupils with opportunities to build on their knowledge and to see links between different subjects and themes. ? The curriculum is based on a progression of knowledge, skills and understanding, which extend pupils' thinking. Teachers tailor subjects to pupils' interests and the local area.

Teachers emphasise the academy's values and 'nine habits' through personal, social and health education. They also give strong emphasis to living in modern Britain, which is underpinned by religious education, so that pupils develop tolerance and respect for all. ? Pupils speak enthusiastically about their learning.

They are extremely proud of their books and can explain how learning about different subjects helps them to write meaningfully. They enjoy learning music and are given opportunities to perform and learn an instrument. Teachers take them on visits to places of interest in London, which enhance pupils' learning.

Next steps for the school Leaders and those responsible for governance should ensure that: ? teachers address pupils' misconceptions in mathematics effectively so that pupils fully understand what they are learning ? pupils explain and reason using appropriate mathematical vocabulary to maximise their progress. I am copying this letter to the chief executive officer (CEO) of the multi-academy trust, the regional schools commissioner and the director of children's services for Lambeth. This letter will be published on the Ofsted website.

Yours sincerely Frances Hawkes Ofsted Inspector Information about the inspection During the inspection I held meetings with you and senior leaders; the SENCo; the academy regional director; and spoke on the telephone to the CEO of Oasis Academy Trust. I evaluated the work in pupils' mathematics books with the associate principal and reviewed pupils' topics books. I listened to pupils in key stage 1 read.

I visited classes from early years to Year 6 with the associate principal and looked at pupils' work. I spoke to pupils in a meeting and around the school. I spoke informally to parents at the end of the school day.

I took account of the 71 parent responses to the Ofsted online survey, Parent View, 33 pupil responses and 22 staff responses. I scrutinised documentation on the school's website, the school's self-evaluation documents and school improvement plan. I evaluated records relating to keeping pupils safe.

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