Oasis Academy John Williams

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About Oasis Academy John Williams

Name Oasis Academy John Williams
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Ms Victoria Boomer-Clark
Address Petherton Road, Hengrove, Bristol, BS14 9BU
Phone Number 01275894680
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 867
Local Authority Bristol, City of
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy at Oasis Academy John Williams.

Staff build strong relationships with pupils and their families. As a result, most pupils feel well supported.

The school has high expectations of what pupils can achieve.

Staff build pupils' confidence and encourage them to be ambitious. The trust's vision permeates all areas of the school through the development of 'character, confidence and community'. Pupils feel welcome and valued as part of the school community.

The curriculum and wider personal development enable pupils to develop their characters well.

Pupils behave well. Disruption to learning is rare and does not persist.

Pu...pils are friendly and courteous to one another and to staff. Social times are calm and orderly.

Pupils develop their talents and interests through the many enrichment activities that the school provides.

Leadership roles provide opportunities for pupils to become active citizens and to contribute to the school community. Pupils aspire to these roles and are proud to represent the school.

Many parents feel that the school communicates well with them and that they have the information they need to support their child.

They appreciate the high aspirations that the school has for all pupils.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is ambitious. Teachers know exactly what content they expect pupils to learn and how to support them to remember the most essential knowledge.

However, sometimes, the curriculum does not provide sufficient opportunity for pupils to incorporate new knowledge into what they already know. This means that pupils do not always secure a deeper understanding of the content they are learning.

Teachers have the information that they need to support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

They use this knowledge to provide precise support so that pupils with SEND learn the curriculum alongside their peers.

Pupils read widely and often. Many pupils enjoy reading.

The books they read extend their vocabulary and develop their understanding of people from different backgrounds and cultures. Those who cannot read fluently get the support they need to catch up.

The school has increased the number of pupils who continue to learn a language at key stage 4.

This means that more pupils now study the subjects of the English Baccalaureate. The school has identified how it will increase this further in future so that more pupils follow a rigorous, academic curriculum for longer.

Pupils do not yet achieve as well as they could.

Many of the changes made to the curriculum are new. They have not yet had the intended impact on pupils' outcomes in national examinations.

The school has improved pupils' behaviour.

Pupils learn how the school expects them to behave. Staff are consistent in their approaches to managing behaviour. As a result, fewer pupils now miss learning due to poor behaviour.

The school promotes good attendance. Nevertheless, there are still too many pupils who do not attend school often enough.

Pupils learn about their options for education, apprenticeships and careers.

The school encourages them to be aspirational. For example, pupils meet with local university students to find out more about higher education.

The school promotes tolerance and mutual respect.

For instance, the school held a recent event to celebrate the diverse cultures of all pupils. Pupils understand fundamental British values and concepts such as democracy. This helps to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain.

The curriculum teaches pupils how to stay safe. They know how to look after their physical and mental health. The school ensures that pupils know about potential risks and how they can get support if needed.

The school engages positively with parents. The school works with families to support pupils' learning and wider development.

The school has an accurate view of its own strengths and areas to improve.

Trust staff and trustees understand their roles and know the school well. They provide effective support and challenge to the school.

Staff are well supported.

The school considers the impact on workload when introducing changes. Teachers, including those at the start of their careers, get the training they need.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Teaching does not always enable pupils to deepen their understanding. Consequently, pupils do not practise what they have learned. The school and the trust need to ensure that pupils apply what they know when learning new content.

Some pupils, particularly those who are disadvantaged or pupils with SEND, do not attend school often enough. Consequently, they do not learn as well as their peers, nor do they have opportunities for wider development. The school and trust need to continue to prioritise their work to improve pupils' attendance.

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