Orrell Newfold Community Primary School

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About Orrell Newfold Community Primary School

Name Orrell Newfold Community Primary School
Website http://www.newfold.wigan.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs N Harris
Address St James Road, Orrell, Wigan, WN5 7BD
Phone Number 01942207134
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 456
Local Authority Wigan
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy school and they benefit greatly from all that it has to offer. They develop their individual talents and interests remarkably well.

For example, most pupils attend an extra-curricular club, such as boot camp, cookery or cross-country running. Older pupils take part in memorable residential trips, including to outdoor activity centres and places of cultural significance.

The school has unstintingly high expectations for pupils' achievement.

This includes for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils develop a rich body of knowledge across a broad range of subjects. They achieve exceptionally well, particularly in Eng...lish and mathematics.

Children in the early years settle into school routines with astonishing ease. They display a maturity that belies their years. Across the school, pupils' behaviour is exemplary.

They listen with rapt attention in lessons and persevere with a task until they get it right.

Pupils know that their opinions matter and that they can play an active role in making the school even better. They develop an exceptional understanding of their environmental responsibilities.

Pupils take positive action to look after the environment, including through taking part in community litter-picks and gardening events. Pupils leave the school as well-rounded and responsible young people ready to make their mark in their next schools and beyond.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school works closely with other schools and external experts to ensure that it continues to improve, despite its already considerable strengths.

Staff value the culture of trust that underpins their relationships with leaders at all levels. They appreciate the school's actions to reduce their workload, for example by reviewing approaches to feeding back on pupils' work.

The early years curriculum is designed with great skill.

It gives children an exceptional grounding for their future learning. Communication and language sit at the heart of children's learning. Early years staff engage children in high-quality conversations as they learn and play.

Children are especially well prepared to learn to read.

Reading is a strength of the school. Expert staff ensure that children in the Reception Year and pupils in key stage 1 learn phonics quickly and securely.

Pupils read books that are closely matched to the sounds that they know. The small number of pupils who find reading more difficult receive well-tailored and highly effective support. Pupils become fluent and accurate readers by the end of key stage 1.

In other subjects, the school has thoughtfully refined its curriculum over a sustained period of time. It has carefully organised subject curriculums from the Nursery Year through to Year 6. The curriculum is ambitious for pupils, including pupils with SEND.

The school identifies pupils' SEND at an early stage in their education. Staff provide these pupils with the support that they need to get the most from their lessons. As a result, pupils with SEND achieve well.

The school has identified the most important knowledge that pupils should learn and when this should be taught. Teachers are highly adept at introducing new information at exactly the right time. They ensure that pupils build on their knowledge successfully.

Pupils make powerful connections between what they know already and new learning. They achieve highly.

The school's approach to supporting pupils' personal development is exceptional.

It makes sure that all pupils have as broad and rich an experience as possible. Staff prepare pupils very well for the many opportunities and responsibilities of life, including their key role in caring for the planet. Pupils spoke with sensitivity about the differences that exist among people and families.

They know what makes a healthy relationship. Pupils understand the changes that will happen to them as they grow up.

Children in the early years behave impeccably.

Older pupils build on these high standards of behaviour. Classrooms and playgrounds are harmonious places to be. Pupils get on with their learning without distraction.

They are rarely absent from school. Pupils know that attending school regularly will help them to learn all that they can.

Governors bring wide-ranging expertise and considerable experience to their roles.

They have a well-informed view of the quality of the education that the school provides. Governors offer appropriate levels of challenge and support to the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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