Oughterside Primary School

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About Oughterside Primary School

Name Oughterside Primary School
Website http://www.oughtersideschool.co.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sarah Kirkbride
Address Aspatria, Wigton, CA7 2PY
Phone Number 01697320579
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 56
Local Authority Cumberland
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy at this school. They appreciate the positive relationships that they have with each other and with staff.

They know that adults in school will help and support them, should they have any worries. Pupils enjoy spending time with younger children. They look after them and make sure that everyone is included at playtimes.

Pupils behave well. They are considerate and polite, showing high levels of respect for each other and for staff.

The school has high expectations for pupils' achievement.

It is committed to ensuring that pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve well. Most do. Pupils ha...ve positive attitudes to their learning and try their best during lessons.

The school is at the heart of the village. Pupils take part in several local events and regularly engage with members of the community. For example, pupils helped to design the village park and represented the school in the opening of it.

They also look after the local area. For instance, pupils have helped to litter pick and have planted wildflowers close to the school. They understand the importance of raising money for local charities.

These varied experiences help pupils to develop their confidence and to contribute positively to society.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a broad and ambitious curriculum from the beginning of the early years to the end of Year 6. It has thoroughly considered the essential knowledge that pupils should learn and the order in which they should learn it.

The additional needs of pupils with SEND are identified early. Staff are highly skilled at supporting these pupils and adapt their curriculum delivery effectively to meet pupils' individual needs. Pupils with SEND successfully apply what they know and can do.

Teachers have secure subject knowledge. Overall, they present information clearly and choose suitable activities and resources that help pupils to learn the curriculum well. In most subjects, teachers regularly check what pupils know and can remember.

They use this information to shape future lessons. However, in some subjects, other than English and mathematics, staff do not follow a consistent approach when checking the knowledge that pupils have retained from previous learning. At times, teachers move pupils on to new learning before they are ready.

This means that some pupils' knowledge in these subjects is not as secure as it should be.

The school has prioritised reading. It has carefully chosen a wide and diverse range of books for pupils to read.

Staff bring stories to life and spark pupils' interest in reading for pleasure. The school celebrates local authors and invites parents and carers into school for 'read and relax' sessions. The school has adopted a successful phonics programme.

Pupils learn the sounds and letters that they need to read new and unfamiliar words accurately. Staff support pupils who fall behind in the phonics programme to learn all that they should. This helps pupils to become confident and fluent readers.

Children in the early years follow well-established routines. This helps them to settle in quickly. Pupils know what is expected of them.

They behave well. Pupils concentrate during lessons and listen carefully to teachers. On occasion, when a minority of pupils become overwhelmed, staff provide effective support to help them to manage their emotions.

This helps pupils to feel safe and secure. The school has a strong focus on supporting positive attendance. Staff understand the barriers that prevent some pupils from attending regularly.

They take effective action to secure improvements if pupils have low prior attendance.

The school offers a wide range of opportunities that extend beyond the academic curriculum. For example, pupils attend film, mindfulness and cooking clubs.

They enjoy participating in competitive events, such as dance festivals and dodgeball, rugby and football tournaments. Pupils value the variety of trips that they go on, such as to museums, farm parks, theatres and other cities. They are well prepared for life in modern Britain.

Pupils have a secure understanding of fundamental British values and talk sensibly and maturely about how people can be different. They treat other people equally and with respect.

Governors have a strong understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

They carry these out effectively. The school has a sharp focus on continuous improvement, to ensure that pupils receive a high-quality education. Governors hold the school to account for this and provide effective support and challenge.

The school has prioritised staff's workload. It has successfully managed improvements to the curriculum without having a negative impact on staff's workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, the school is still developing its assessment strategies to check what pupils know and can remember from previous learning. In these subjects, pupils' learning is not as secure as it should be. The school should ensure that staff check pupils' prior knowledge well to ensure that they have securely grasped curriculum content before moving on to new learning.

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