Outwood Primary Academy Alne

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About Outwood Primary Academy Alne

Name Outwood Primary Academy Alne
Website http://www.alne.outwood.com
Ofsted Inspections
Miss Michelle Dawson
Address Main Street, Alne, York, YO61 1RT
Phone Number 01347838427
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 89
Local Authority North Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This rural village school sits at the heart of the community.

The quality of education that the school provides is outstanding. It goes beyond the academic. Pupils are inspired and enthusiastic learners.

They thrive in this exceptional school.

Pupils work with high levels of engagement and interest. This begins in the Reception Year where children make a flying start to their school journey.

They achieve exceptionally well. The curiosity and enthusiasm that this learning sparks continues through school. Pupils maintain concentration and work together to find solutions when difficulties arise.

This includes pupils with special educational nee...ds and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils are eager to gain new knowledge. They speak with maturity and demonstrate high levels of understanding.

Pupils rise to meet the high expectations that the school sets. The school rules 'be safe, be respectful, be responsible' are demonstrated by the pupils. Pupils know how to keep themselves and others safe.

They support one another both in class and as buddies across school. Some pupils run lunchtime clubs and lead mindfulness activities. Pupils attend this nurturing school happily and regularly.

Pupils are extremely well prepared for life beyond the school gates.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils achieve well across the school's ambitious curriculum. They gain a depth of knowledge that builds on previous learning.

One example of this is the extensive music offer. Pupils learn about notation. They write their own compositions.

This begins with a graphic score in the Reception Year and builds to full stave notation in Year 6. The majority of pupils attend lunchtime music clubs throughout the year.

The expertly delivered curriculum embeds and deepens pupils' subject-specific vocabulary.

Pupils are articulate. They confidently use this vocabulary in their detailed explanations. For example, in the Reception Year, children explain about electrical circuits, indents in playdough and stippling effects with paint.

Throughout the school, pupils become subject experts. In geography, for example, pupils nominate each other to demonstrate their outstanding knowledge.

Learning to read is a high priority.

The expertise of staff, daily phonics teaching and extra reading practice means that pupils learn to read quickly. Any children at risk of falling behind receive precise, frequent and expertly delivered interventions. Almost all children catch up before the end of the Reception Year.

The prioritisation of reading means that pupils access the full curriculum offer with ease. There is the same precision in English when children are learning to write. Writing begins with accurate pencil grip, and practise in letter formation and dictation to build speed and fluency.

Pupils talk with excitement when they share the books that they are reading. They explain plots, their love of different types of stories and how this makes them feel. Adults model an infectious enthusiasm for books as readers themselves.

Pupils respond to this enthusiasm and look to read books by the same authors.

The exceptionally strong start to school that pupils experience in the Reception Year is impressive. The key knowledge children need to be successful with reading, writing and mathematics is secured in Reception.

Children demonstrate a deep understanding of number and use physical equipment to show this. They apply mathematical knowledge independently when talking about more or less. Highly skilled practitioners extend children's learning and vocabulary well.

They work with sustained concentration. They solve problems together. Children use the vocabulary they have learned to explain and express their ideas to one another.

A culture of respect and consideration resonates through school. Pupils gain confidence as their vocabulary and speaking skills grow. Pupils articulate their views and feelings extremely well.

They experience a curriculum that prepares them exceptionally well for life in modern Britain. They develop a deep understanding of fundamental British values such as democracy. They relate this understanding to current affairs accurately.

Pupils speak in depth about different cultures and faiths. They benefit from everyday leadership responsibilities as well as ambassador roles. All ambassadors have responsibility for leading assemblies.

They coordinate a range of different projects. The diploma, that all pupils work through, provides a rich set of experiences. These experiences are tailored to meet the needs of pupils in the Alne school community.

These activities promote active citizenship precisely.

The school has been transformed by the relentless focus on school improvement by leaders in the school and the trust. This exemplary school secures an exceptional education for pupils.

Staff benefit from the collaborative, coaching approach of the trust. They feel exceptionally well supported with their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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Alne Preschool Playgroup

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