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This is a good school Leaders at all levels are highly ambitious for all pupils. The school's motto of 'children come first' resonates in all decision-making. Leaders provide clear guidance and communicate high expectations to teachers.
As a result, teaching and learning across the school, including in the early years, is good. Occasionally, work provided for the most able pupils is not sufficiently challenging. The trust has established an effective leadership programme, and this is supporting further improvement.
However, some subject leaders are new to post and are not yet involved fully in evaluating the impact of their work. Since sponsoring the school, a...cademy leaders have rightly prioritised establishing a strong curriculum that secures pupils' basic skills of reading, writing and mathematics. The same depth of study is not evident for some other subjects, such as science, history and geography.
Pupils' progress in reading, writing and mathematics is improving in all year groups. Leaders communicate very clear expectations for pupils to behave well. All staff apply the behaviour management system thoroughly and consistently.
As a result, pupils know what is expected of them and their behaviour is good. Pastoral care is a strength of the school. Staff know the pupils exceptionally well and provide a haven of security and support.
Consequently, pupils say that they feel safe and this is endorsed by parents. Pupils' outcomes have improved year-on-year since the school's conversion to sponsored academy status. However, there remain historic gaps in pupils' knowledge that still need ironing out.
In 2018, pupils' combined outcomes at the end of key stage 2 were above the national average. This represents good progress from pupils' starting points. Procedures for managing pupils' absence and encouraging good attendance and punctuality are wide-ranging.
Despite leaders' best efforts, however, pupils' attendance rates remain below the national average.
Information about this school
The school is larger than the average-sized primary school. Most pupils are of White British heritage.
The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is almost twice that of the national average, as is the proportion of pupils with SEND. The school offers breakfast club provision. The school is sponsored by Outwood Grange Academies Trust.
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