Pannal Primary School

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About Pannal Primary School

Name Pannal Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Jane Turner
Address Pannal Green, Pannal, Harrogate, HG3 1LH
Phone Number 01423872407
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 434
Local Authority North Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have high expectations of pupils. These expectations are mirrored in the school vision that 'the 'Pannal-shaped' child is self-aware and mindful, works collaboratively, respects others, is interested in the wider world and is not afraid to fail'.

Pupils meet these standards that leaders expect of them through their positive working together, the leadership roles they undertake in school and how they support others.

Staff have thought about the content of the curriculum. They have ensured that new learning is planned to build on what pupils already know.

In some subjects, however, it is not well sequenced so as to enable regular assessment to identify ...whether pupils are learning the intended curriculum. Some curriculum leaders are not able to monitor their subjects effectively. Pupils achieve well across a range of subjects.

Pupils work hard in lessons. They demonstrate enthusiasm, independence, creativity and an ability to work collaboratively with others.

Staff provide support to make sure pupils are well looked after.

Pupils feel safe in school. They can turn to adults if they have any worries or concerns. As part of the curriculum, pupils learn how to keep themselves safe inside and out of school.

For example, pupils discussed different strategies they use to keep safe online and when out playing in their local community.

Relationships between staff and pupils are friendly, positive and respectful. Pupils follow established routines and are well behaved.

In class, pupils are eager to contribute to discussions, and they respect each other's opinions. Bullying is rare. When it does happen, pupils know that staff will act swiftly and effectively.

Most pupils attend school regularly.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have created a curriculum which they keep under review. Passionate and knowledgeable curriculum leaders have identified knowledge and skills they want pupils to learn as part of their big picture.

In some subjects, leaders have not identified the small steps of learning that teachers need to follow in the right order to ensure that all pupils gain the key knowledge and vocabulary for the subject. Without coherently sequenced subject plans, pupils will not secure the essential building blocks for future learning.

Some curriculum leaders have not had the opportunity to monitor the implementation of their subject.

They do not have a secure picture of how effective their subject is. Senior leaders monitor subjects, passing on information to curriculum leaders if this is required.

Leaders have focused on summative assessment to check what pupils know.

However, these assessments do not necessarily check that the intended curriculum has been taught across all subjects. Leaders recognise more formative assessment is effective in ensuring pupils are learning what they need to successfully reach ambitious end points that prepare them for the future.

Children learn to read as soon as they start school.

The phonics programme is well led and resourced. To develop confidence and fluency, most pupils read books containing sounds they know. Additional sessions are provided for pupils who need extra help.

Leaders have chosen a range of high-quality books for pupils to read. Teachers encourage pupils to read regularly, including at home.

The mathematics curriculum is carefully planned and ambitious.

Children in Reception classes have daily mathematics as well as opportunities to develop mathematical knowledge through other activities. Teachers have good subject knowledge and think carefully how to present mathematical ideas so pupils will understand them.

Children make a good start in the early years.

Teachers have planned what children need to learn to be well prepared for Year 1. The curriculum focuses on communication and language, supported by carefully selected books. Adults support children to work together and share resources.

Routines are well developed and children know what is expected of them. Teachers plan engaging activities which appeal to children's curiosity so that they persevere independently with these.

Provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is strong.

Leaders provide effective support to ensure that teachers have the skills to support all pupils with SEND well. Leaders have invested in a high level of adult support. This is used well across all classes.

Leaders are quick to identify the best ways to support these pupils, including work with external agencies.

The school has high expectations for behaviour. Usually, these are met.

Pupils say there are few behaviour issues and bullying. While they recognise these happen, they accept that it is infrequent. Pupils are treated fairly and are accepting of differences in others.

Leaders have prioritised the personal development of pupils. A well-planned curriculum for personal, social and health education (PSHE) is supported by other opportunities. Trips and visits enhance what pupils' study.

The emphasis on pupils' personal development also supports their positive behaviour, which is seen in lessons and around the school.

Staff are proud to work at Pannal Primary, which they say is well led by the headteacher. Governors and trustees support the school, questioning leaders about the decisions they make.

Staff say they are well supported in managing their workload. Leaders have ensured that training for staff is prioritised. Staff say leaders look after their well-being and that they feel trusted to do their work.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a culture of safeguarding that permeates through the school. This includes through the PSHE curriculum, in which children learn about keeping safe online and offline.

Action is taken by leaders to address any issues or to raise awareness within the school community of any safeguarding changes.

Staff receive safeguarding training. There are clear processes in place for staff to log concerns.

Leaders ensure that any such concerns are addressed in a timely fashion, working closely with local services when appropriate. Staff are aware of the potential risks pupils face. They address the importance of safe relationships, for example, through the PSHE curriculum.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Curriculum leaders have accessed subject-specific training. In some subjects, this has not had the necessary impact on their subject monitoring. As a result, curriculum leaders are unclear whether the curriculum is being delivered in the way they intended.

Leaders should ensure that curriculum leaders have the training and expertise to lead and monitor so that they can make accurate judgements about the quality of the education they are providing. ? In some subjects, curriculum leaders have not yet identified the small steps in learning that they want the pupils to achieve. Teachers do not have the information they need to plan the next steps in learning.

Pupils do not build their learning on knowledge which is secure. Leaders must ensure that every subject clearly sets out the precise detail of what pupils need to know and when. This will enable teachers to purposefully check pupils' prior knowledge and accurately plan learning to build on this.

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