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At Parkfield, everyone is made to feel a part of the school community, regardless of their differences. All pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), benefit from positive relationships with staff.
Pupils trust that staff will help them with any concerns. This helps pupils to feel safe at school. The school values underpin the friendly environment.
Pupils take pride in their school and place a high value on being a 'Parkfielder'.
Leaders have high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Many pupils try to meet these expectations and learning is rarely interrupted.
Most pupils treat one another with respect and stri...ve to be kind. Pupils told inspectors that they value the strong friendships that they have in school. This makes them feel happy.
Leaders have effective systems to identify and deal with any incidents of bullying.
Pupils make the most of the leadership opportunities provided for them. Members of the 'Tech Team' regularly lead assemblies on e-safety.'
Playground Pals' help to support their younger peers with playing games and using sports equipment. These opportunities help pupils to develop their understanding of teamwork and empathy.
Leaders expect pupils to learn a rich body of knowledge during their time at school.
Pupils achieve well through the support they receive and in the knowledge that individuality is celebrated.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have redesigned their curriculum to ensure that pupils leave Parkfield having gained a broad range of first-hand experiences. However, some older pupils have not benefited from the new curriculum for long enough.
Due to weaknesses in the previous curriculum, some of them have gaps in their learning. This hinders them from learning all that they should.
In most subjects, leaders have ensured that the curriculum is carefully organised so that pupils can build on their prior knowledge.
Leaders often maximise learning opportunities by deliberately making links across the curriculum. For example, a geography fieldwork trip within the local area also incorporated learning about map reading and planning a safe journey.
Teachers explain new learning to pupils carefully.
Teachers use assessment information effectively to address misconceptions. Children in the Reception Year benefit from well-considered approaches to developing their physical development, vocabulary and understanding of numbers. However, some leaders have not made certain that teachers deliver all of the curriculum content.
This means that some pupils have gaps in their knowledge.
Leaders promote a love of reading. They have created a positive reading culture across the whole school.
Pupils talked excitedly about the various rewards and initiatives that are in place to support their reading. For example, reading ambassadors recommend books to other pupils. Each class has a 'love to read', hot chocolate box to reward pupils who read widely and often.
As a result, most pupils are enthusiastic readers.
Leaders have ensured that staff have been well trained to deliver the phonics programme effectively. Pupils read books which are appropriately matched to the sounds that they know.
Any pupils who do not keep up with the programme are identified quickly and receive support in a timely manner. Many pupils are fluent readers by the end of key stage 1.
Leaders are relentless in helping pupils to attend school regularly and on time.
Many parents and carers who shared their views with inspectors appreciate the support that the school gives them. Several said that staff frequently go 'above and beyond' for their child. Pupils mostly behave in a calm and considered manner.
Any low-level disruption is addressed quickly. This means that all pupils can access their learning.
Leaders accurately identify the needs of pupils with SEND.
They provide staff with the information that they require to enable them to help these pupils. Staff have appropriate strategies in place to help pupils with SEND succeed. As a result, many pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as their peers and achieve well.
Leaders place a high priority on preparing pupils for life in modern Britain. They provide opportunities for pupils to develop as responsible citizens, for example by developing their economic awareness through enterprise initiatives. Pupils enjoy taking part in a wide variety of activities and experiences.
For example, they value the opportunity to participate in spelling bee competitions and a range of educational visits. Pupils gain a secure understanding of fundamental British values. They know to treat those who are different to themselves with respect.
Since the previous inspection, governors have worked in partnership with leaders to improve the quality of education further. Staff value leaders' commitment to their well-being and workload. Leaders place a high value on professional development.
As a result, staff are knowledgeable about the subjects that they teach.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders and staff are well trained to notice and report any concerns.
Leaders ensure that any concerns are dealt with promptly. Governors are aware of their responsibilities and ensure leaders do all that they can to help keep pupils safe. Leaders ensure that pupils and their families get the support they need from staff and other agencies.
Pupils are taught how to stay safe and benefit from a range of external safety talks, for example, from the fire service. Pupils understand how to stay safe online and how to report any concerns.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a small number of subjects, some older pupils have gaps in their knowledge as a result of weaknesses in the previous curriculum.
This prevents them from learning all that they should. Leaders should ensure that teachers address the gaps in pupils' knowledge so that they can progress through the new curriculums. ? In a small number of subjects, leaders have not assured themselves that the curriculum is being delivered as intended.
Some teachers do not teach all of the specific knowledge that is set out in the curriculum. As a result, some pupils do not achieve as well as they should. Leaders should ensure that teachers deliver the curriculum as intended.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.