Prince Rock Primary School

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About Prince Rock Primary School

Name Prince Rock Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Cheryl Brake
Address Embankment Road, Plymouth, PL4 9JF
Phone Number 01752257698
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 408
Local Authority Plymouth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Prince Rock Primary School provides an excellent education for all pupils.

Pupils have many opportunities to be successful, both in the classroom and beyond. The school buzzes with aspiration and enthusiasm. Pupils here feel safe, happy and have a strong sense of belonging.

They are part of a special community where everyone wants to 'be the best we can be'.

This is a highly inclusive school whose diverse population is celebrated and nurtured. The school's curriculum is broad, ambitious and relevant to the school community.

Pupils achieve well academically. Those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those with English as an a...dditional language (EAL) are effectively supported by knowledgeable and caring staff. As a result, pupils love coming to school and are highly motivated to learn.

Children in Reception Year get off to an exceptionally strong start. The school ensures that children are surrounded by high-quality language with plenty of opportunities to learn new vocabulary and deepen their understanding of the world around them. The wide range of activities, trips and visits complement what happens in the classroom and ensures that pupils are prepared well for life beyond primary school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed its curriculum with meticulous attention to the important knowledge and skills it wants pupils to gain. The school has broken this down into small steps, so all pupils can learn effectively. Staff expertly make adaptations for pupils with SEND.

As a result, pupils remember what they have learned. The work that pupils produce demonstrates this and reflects the high expectations the school has of them.

Learning routines are well-established, so pupils move seamlessly between carefully chosen activities.

They learn at pace and teachers are quick to pick up on misconceptions. The school has strong systems to ensure that individual pupils receive additional help to keep up with their peers. This ensures that pupils in key stage 2 achieve well in national tests.

In Reception, activities and learning opportunities are continuously adapted to reflect precisely what children need.

The relentless focus on high-quality spoken language and vocabulary development is a feature of every lesson. This starts in the early years.

Pupils listen attentively to one another and show great maturity when taking part in discussions. When talking about their learning, pupils are articulate. Many can explain what they have learned and how they have learned it.

Staff teach the school's phonics programme extremely well. The school has prioritised reading. This means that children at the early stages of reading read books matched to the sounds they know.

The school ensures that additional support is exactly matched to the needs of individual children. In Reception, children draw on their phonics knowledge when completing other activities. In this way, the profile of reading is high from the moment children join the school.

The school's reading curriculum in key stages 1 and 2 is accurately designed and expertly delivered. As a result, pupils enjoy reading.

Pupils, including children in the early years, who have SEND are quickly identified.

The school ensures that class teachers adapt learning when needed. They use appropriate external support and regularly review pupils' progress. The school has a strong moral purpose.

It monitors pupils' progression through the curriculum closely. This ensures that all pupils succeed, including disadvantaged pupils and those with EAL. Pupils play a full and active role in school life.

Behaviour in lessons is exemplary. Routines, including in Reception, are quickly established and well-embedded. This means pupils know what is expected of them at all times.

Pupils understand the school's 'golden rule'. It guides pupils into making positive choices and supports their understanding of British values. As a result, bullying is not an issue.

Pupils enjoy celebrating others' success. Older pupils are excellent role models for younger ones.

The school responds effectively to issues within the local community by supplementing its personal, social and health education curriculum with additional trips and visiting speakers.

Pupils know how to keep themselves safe and healthy and understand the importance of equality. Pupils have a voice here; they take pride in their responsibilities and enjoy contributing to the school's development. Many take part in additional music, sport and academic clubs.

Staff at all levels are united in leaders' vision for the school. The school leaves nothing to chance. Leaders within the trust and local governors show a deep commitment to professional development.

This means pupils in the school benefit from subject and pastoral expertise. All stakeholders are fiercely proud of their community.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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