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Pupils in this school are happy and confident. They are keen to share their ideas and they take pride in the work they complete.
Pupils play an active part in the school's future development. For example, they are helping leaders develop the school's 'weekly star award' scheme.
Pupils feel safe in this school.
Leaders have developed a caring environment for pupils to learn in. Many start the morning eating a healthy breakfast together in the school hall. Here, they sit and meet their friends and get ready for the school day.
One parent summed up the views of many when they called this 'a fantastic school'.
Most pupils behave well in school a...nd follow instructions promptly. They understand what bullying is.
Pupils talk maturely about sorting out any differences they have with their peers, often among themselves. They are well supported by adults to resolve the rare incidents of bullying that occur.
Leaders expect the very best from all pupils.
They are determined to provide the best opportunities for all in this school. They have also developed very effective strategies that support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) appropriately.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum.
This is working particularly well in phonics, reading and writing. As a result, pupils are achieving more highly than in recent years. Most subjects are planned effectively to help pupils know and understand more, building knowledge over time.
For example, in science, pupils in Year 2 displayed impressive knowledge about the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees. Leaders are now making sure that all subjects are planned consistently well so that pupils learn new information in a logical order.
Leaders have adapted the curriculum extremely well for pupils with SEND.
Specialist teachers from one of the federation schools assist staff to best meet the needs of pupils with SEND. As a consequence, this group of pupils is achieving well.
Teachers use their good subject knowledge to provide engaging learning opportunities for pupils.
For example, in Year 1, pupils enjoyed learning about the present and the past by comparing old and modern toys and bicycles. Teachers carefully check that pupils understand what they are learning before introducing new information.
Leaders have ensured that there are a wide range of opportunities for pupils to learn about life in modern Britain.
Pupils have an age-appropriate understanding of differences and diversity. Pupils learn about the rule of law. For example, they are all involved in developing the 'class promise' rules that they follow in school.
Pupils understand clearly the consequences of not following these rules.Most pupils behave well. Leaders support the small minority of pupils who do not always follow the school's behaviour expectations as they should.
Consequently, pupils' learning is rarely affected by their peers' misbehaviour.
Leaders have developed the early years provision effectively. As a result, most children get off to a good start to their education in the early years.
However, sometimes, teachers introduce children to too much information at once. When this happens, some children lose focus and do not achieve as well as they could. Nevertheless, more children are achieving a good level of development by the end of Reception than in recent years.
Children are confident when practising the sounds they need to know in preparation for learning to read and write. Phonics teaching is carefully sequenced. As a result, most pupils read accurately and fluently by the end of key stage 1.
The few pupils who do not are very well supported to catch up. More pupils achieve the expected standard in the Year 1 phonics screening check than previously.
Leaders have developed the curriculum to support disadvantaged pupils well.
For example, leaders make thoughtful choices about the books they read to pupils so that pupils can improve the range of words they use and remember.
Teachers and suitably trained teaching assistants support pupils who speak English as an additional language well. Leaders have plans in place to ensure that this support continues for the increasing number of pupils from this group who are joining the school.
Governors use their experiences and knowledge of the school well in order to support leaders to develop the school further. Governors provide appropriate challenge to leaders to maintain the school's improvements. For instance, they ensure that safeguarding is effective.
However, they do not check some aspects of safeguarding as often as they might.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have developed a culture where children's safety is everyone's responsibility.
As a result, staff carry out their safeguarding duties well. They know when and how to report any concerns they have. They do this diligently.
Leaders promptly respond to and address any concerns raised by staff. They work well with other agencies to help vulnerable pupils and their families receive the support they need.
Leaders complete the necessary checks before employing staff to work with children.
Despite safeguarding being effective, governors are not as well informed about leaders' actions to keep pupils safe as they could be.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
The school's key stage 1 curriculum is not sufficiently coherently planned and sequenced across some foundation subjects. This is also the case for some parts of the early years curriculum.
Therefore, pupils are not learning consistently well across different subjects. Leaders are taking effective steps to plan and sequence these subjects better so that pupils learn equally well in all areas of the curriculum. .
Governors' monitoring of safeguarding systems and knowledge of the culture to keep pupils safe could be even better. This means that governors provide less-rigorous challenge and support to leaders than they could. A more thorough approach will enable governors to carry out their duties with added certainty.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.