Pyrford Church of England Primary School

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About Pyrford Church of England Primary School

Name Pyrford Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Coldharbour Road, Pyrford, Woking, GU22 8SP
Phone Number 01932342693
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 477
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at this highly inclusive, exceptional school.

Staff have the highest expectations for both pupils' behaviour and what all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), can achieve. Pupils learn the school's values of love, respect, wisdom, and resilience well, and are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to apply these throughout their school lives. Behaviour in lessons and around school is impeccable.

Pupils contribute to the life of the school and each other's well-being meaningfully, for example creating school baking and sporting events which are enjoyed universally.

By the end of key stage 2..., pupils achieve exceptionally high standards across the full curriculum. Disadvantaged pupils, including pupils with SEND, are prepared for their next stage of education thoroughly well.

The school promotes pupils' good attendance supportively, using thoughtful, considerate approaches to ensure that pupils attend school regularly.

Pupils are inspired in their learning. For example, all pupils learn a musical instrument, beginning with the recorder, then brass instruments, leading to a school concert performance.

Pupils' attitudes to learning are exemplary. One pupil summarised the thoughts of others, saying, 'We learn about respect, being mindful, and how to model being the person that you want to be.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff use books and texts skilfully to support pupils' reading.

As one member of staff said, 'Reading is where it all begins'. Staff encourage pupils to develop a love of high-quality modern and traditional books, placing these at the centre of the curriculum. Staff utilise library time, author visits and drama to bring the curriculum to life.

Staff use stories memorably, such as learning about Henry VIII and the Tudors through a combination of fiction, non-fiction and a school visit to Hampton Court Palace. In phonics, staff implement the school's chosen scheme knowledgeably. Books to help pupils learn to read are matched closely to the sounds they have learned.

Staff support pupils who need extra help very effectively. As a result, pupils learn to read quickly and fluently.

The school is highly ambitious for all pupils.

Staff have identified the precise knowledge and key vocabulary that they want pupils to learn across all subjects. Teachers construct pupils' learning effectively and ensure that pupils build on their prior learning consistently well. Core subjects, such as mathematics, are taught expertly.

Staff model examples clearly so that pupils know and understand increasingly sophisticated calculation and problem-solving strategies. In all subjects, pupils' work is of a high quality. Pupils use subject-specific vocabulary confidently.

Pupils rightly take pride in the work that they produce. This helps them to embed their learning securely. Staff check how well pupils have learned the curriculum and respond to any errors or misconceptions pupils may have.

Staff have excellent subject knowledge across the full curriculum. Leaders develop staff understanding through rich opportunities for training and professional development. The school often supports other schools with developing teachers' subject knowledge.

For example, the school takes a lead role in mathematics and phonics training across the region. The school ensures that pupils with SEND have their needs identified quickly. Where necessary, the school involves external agencies such as education psychologists and makes highly effective, precise adaptations to the curriculum.

The school's early years provision is excellent. Children flourish in highly engaging learning environments that are planned skilfully. Staff rightly focus on communication, language and personal development, helping pupils to make a strong start to their education.

Staff motivate children to try their best and help pupils to develop confidence in what they can achieve. Staff offer excellent support with composition and skills such as letter formation from the earliest stages of learning to write. Children are very well prepared for their next stage of education.

The school develops pupils' talents and interests carefully to enable all pupils to experience success in their school lives. Sporting events such as hockey, swimming, cross-country running and golf give pupils the chance to shine and grow in confidence. Extra-curricular clubs such as computing, dance and art give pupils the chance to learn new skills and work positively together.

Leaders work tirelessly to create excellence in all that they do. Governors and trustees know the school well and are passionate about maintaining the school's ethos while achieving high standards. Governors prioritise the workload and well-being of staff.

Staff value the highly positive way the team works together. Almost all parents are supportive of the school and appreciate the dedication needed to sustain such strong levels of performance over time.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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