Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Horncastle

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About Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Horncastle

Name Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Horncastle
Website http://www.qegs.lincs.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Simon Furness
Address West Street, Horncastle, LN9 5AD
Phone Number 01507522465
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 817
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Most pupils, and students in the sixth form, speak enthusiastically about their school.

They describe the school as friendly and welcoming, with a warm community feel. Relationships are positive between pupils and with staff. Sixth-form students are positive role models for younger pupils.

The large majority of parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school. Expectations are typically high, and most pupils live up to them. Pupils feel happy and safe.

The school environment is calm and orderly. Most pupils attend well and behave well.

The school's curriculum is ambitious and inclusive of all pupils.

Pupils learn a wide range ...of subjects across all key stages. Pupils, and students in the sixth form, achieve very well in all subjects by the end of each key stage, particularly strongly in humanities subjects. However, sometimes the quality of pupils' routine classwork is not as high as it could be.

Occasionally, poorly presented or incomplete work is left unchallenged by staff.

Pupils enjoy a wealth of opportunities to take part in extra-curricular activities and enrichment visits. They are enthusiastic about the extensive range available, including sports, musical productions and a thriving Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.

Pupils look forward to 'frantic fortnight' in the summer term.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has developed an ambitious curriculum for all pupils. The suite of subjects that make up the English Baccalaureate lies at the heart of this.

Pupils study a wide range of courses that progressively meet their interests and aspirations. These exceed the requirements of the national curriculum. All pupils learn dual modern foreign languages and citizenship, for example.

Leaders have ensured that staff have clarity about what is taught and when. This ensures that pupils' knowledge and skills build cumulatively over time. In the sixth form, the curriculum is complemented by enrichment courses that prepare students well for future independence and academic study.

These include finance and the extended project qualification, for example.

Pupils benefit from being taught by specialist staff. Teachers' subject knowledge is strong.

They draw on a wide range of well-selected resources to impart new concepts and ideas effectively. The school's assessment structure enables pupils to build their confidence and competence in handling increasingly demanding tasks. However, staff do not always check to ensure that all pupils, and students in the sixth form, consistently produce the high-quality written work they are capable of before moving on to new tasks.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are typically well supported in school. Many parents speak of staff 'going the extra mile' to provide the help and support that pupils with SEND need.

Reading is well promoted in school.

Pupils often read independently. Leaders recognise that their plans to support pupils who need additional help to strengthen reading accuracy and comprehension are at an early stage of development.

The school takes pupils' personal development seriously.

Dual programmes of citizenship and personal, social, health and economic education help to inform pupils about personal safety, positive relationships and sex education, for example. Pupils typically have a strong understanding of diversity, and they celebrate what makes people different and unique. Pupils are taught about fundamental British values and protected characteristics.

They are being well prepared to become responsible citizens in modern society.

The school has a clear programme of careers advice and guidance that builds from Year 7 through to the sixth form. Almost all pupils move on to sustained next steps in education or training.

Students in the sixth form are particularly well prepared for university. Nevertheless, some students say that they would like more support for non-university pathways. Leaders are acting on this.

Recently, staff have collaborated to develop and implement a new behaviour policy. Although in its early days, the school's new approach has been well received by staff and pupils alike. New tracking systems are helping to tackle small pockets of low-level disruption and lateness to lessons.

Suspensions are used appropriately, albeit very rarely. Pupils like the school's 'whisper' service to share any worries they may have.

Staff are highly supportive of the school.

Their morale is positive. Staff say they value the opportunities provided for their professional development, particularly in developing the curriculum.

Leaders, local governors and trustees are committed to the school and its future success.

Governors are active in their support and effective in holding leaders to account. The school is well supported by the trust. Equally, the school contributes to the work of the trust and provides specialist support for other schools in the locality.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school has developed an ambitious and well-sequenced curriculum. However, teachers do not always ensure that all pupils consistently apply their knowledge well, including when completing extended written tasks.

Sometimes, despite strong achievement outcomes by the end of each key stage, the quality of pupils' work is not always as high as it could be, nor as well presented as it might be, including in the sixth form. Occasionally, pupils leave work incomplete. The school should ensure that teachers check and ensure that all pupils value their classwork and routinely live up to the high expectations that the school has of them.

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