Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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About Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Name Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Theresa McManus
Address Herlwyn Avenue, Ruislip, HA4 6EZ
Phone Number 01895633240
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 681
Local Authority Hillingdon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a caring and nurturing school with the community at its heart.

Every pupil has the opportunity to thrive here. Across subjects, pupils achieve highly. This includes in reading, writing and mathematics, where their outcomes in national assessments are very strong.

Leaders and staff share a vision that puts the pupils at the forefront of everything that they do. Warm relationships between staff and pupils permeate the school.

Pupils demonstrate excellent behaviour throughout the school.

Children in early years take turns and move calmly between different activities. Older pupils are keen to learn in their lessons and respond quickly to teachers...' instructions. The school's values thread through school life.

Pupils show their respect for each other; they understand and cherish their differences. They feel safe at school and know that all adults would help them if they had any worries.

The school offers an exceptional range of clubs and opportunities.

Pupils appreciate the wide choice available, including opportunities to play different sports, cook, garden, or learn a musical instrument. Pupil voice is integrated into every aspect of school life. They are proud to make a positive impact on their school and local community.

For example, the eco-warriors have chosen to grow herbs, which they will dry and sell at a summer event.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum is ambitious. Leaders have thoughtfully selected the concepts, vocabulary and skills that pupils need to learn.

This includes for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils develop exceptionally detailed knowledge across the curriculum, which they recall with ease. The content taught to pupils is sequenced effectively from early years onwards, allowing them to build their learning cumulatively.

For example, in mathematics, children in Reception learn about odd and even numbers. Older pupils use this growing knowledge of number to solve increasingly complex problems. Similarly, in physical education, younger pupils develop their throwing and catching skills, focusing on the fundamentals of eye contact and technique.

As they progress, older pupils use these skills to learn how to defend and attack in a range of sports.

The school has prioritised high-quality professional and subject-specific training for staff. It ensures that they build subject expertise and present knowledge clearly.

Teachers carefully check pupils' understanding, routinely identifying and correcting any errors or misconceptions. This approach helps pupils to develop a depth of knowledge and understanding across different subjects.

Reading sits at the heart of the school's curriculum.

The school encourages a love of reading across all year groups. For example, the pupil librarians organise competitions and change library themes to engage their peers. Staff are well trained in the agreed phonics programme, teaching and modelling sounds with precision.

Regular assessment allows staff to identify and address any gaps in pupils' phonics knowledge. Books are carefully matched to the sounds that pupils are learning. This helps to ensure that pupils decode and read fluently.

Leaders select ambitious texts to expose each year group to a broad and rich range of literature.

The school has effective systems for identifying the needs of pupils with SEND. Staff work closely with a range of agencies to ensure that pupils receive the right help.

Leaders communicate information about individual needs to all relevant staff. This helps teachers and other staff make appropriate adaptations to how the curriculum is taught when needed.

The school has high expectations of pupils' behaviour.

Children are well supported and quickly settle into established routines in early years. Pupils have very positive attitudes to their learning and are keen to do well. If they struggle, the school provides support.

This includes a range of specialist support, such as talking and drawing therapy.

Pupils attend well. The school swiftly identifies any patterns of concern.

Staff work closely with parents and with external agencies to identify effective strategies to improve attendance and punctuality.

The school provides a rich range of wider opportunities for pupils. The curriculum for personal development is well designed and sequenced.

For example, pupils learn about the importance of equality and diversity. They enjoy opportunities to learn about different faiths and perspectives. Pupils are proud to take on responsibilities such as prefects or house captains, knowing that their opinions count and are valued.

Intertwined within the curriculum are purposeful educational trips, visits and workshops that further enrich pupils' learning.

Staff, including those at the start of their careers, are proud to work here. They appreciate the support that they receive from the school to develop professionally and to manage their workload and well-being.

Leaders and those responsible for governance have a detailed and accurate understanding of the school's effectiveness. They are ambitious for pupils and keen to further develop the excellent provision on offer.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Also at this postcode
Junior Adventures Group @ Sacred Heart HA4 Fun Fest Ruislip

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