Sandfield Park School

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About Sandfield Park School

Name Sandfield Park School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Mark Hilton
Address South Drive, Sandfield Park, Liverpool, L12 1LH
Phone Number 01512280324
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 11-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 90
Local Authority Liverpool
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive and flourish at this school. They are happy and behave well, showing empathy, courtesy and kindness to one another.

Their behaviour is exemplary. Pupils, including students in the sixth form, benefit considerably from the warm and supportive relationships that they have with staff and with each other.

The school has exceptionally high expectations for pupils' achievement.

Pupils rise to meet these aspirations. They have highly positive attitudes to learning and a real commitment to their education. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve well.

They gain the qualifications that they need... to move on to the next stage in their education, training or employment.

Pupils make a positive contribution to the life of the school and to the wider community. For example, some pupils are members of the school council and NHS cadets.

Others attend the school's parliament and volunteer at a local hospital.

Pupils relish the opportunity to visit places of interest, including beaches, museums and a safari park. They partake in trips, such as a narrow boat journey and camping.

Some pupils successfully complete the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. These rich experiences help pupils to develop confidence and resilience.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a highly ambitious and broad curriculum that meets pupils' needs and interests.

It prepares pupils, and students in the sixth form, exceptionally well for their future lives.

The curriculum identifies the key knowledge that pupils should gain. This means that teachers know what should be taught to help pupils across each of the different sites learn all that they should.

All pupils who attend the main school have an education, health and care (EHC) plan. The school quickly identifies the additional needs of those pupils with SEND who attend the other settings. Staff are highly skilled at meeting the complex needs of pupils in each provision.

For example, staff use an alternative communication system to help some pupils to share their thoughts, views and needs successfully.

Teachers are adept at implementing the curriculum consistently well. They have the subject knowledge and expertise that they need to help pupils to build their knowledge securely over time.

Teachers provide frequent opportunities for pupils to revisit their prior learning. They also use their deep understanding of any gaps in pupils' knowledge to shape future learning. Learning activities, resources and the environment help pupils to follow the ambitious curriculum extremely well.

As a result, pupils succeed in their learning and achieve very well across a range of subjects.

The school has prioritised reading. Classrooms have a diverse range of books that foster a love of reading among pupils.

The school checks, and then quickly addresses, the gaps in pupils' phonics knowledge and comprehension. For example, it has established a successful phonics programme for those pupils who are still in the early stages of reading. This helps them to become confident and fluent readers.

Pupils behave exceptionally well. They have high levels of respect and consideration for each other and for adults. They play a highly positive role in ensuring that the school is a calm and safe place for them to learn and spend time together.

The school has prioritised attendance. It has a clear understanding of the causes of some pupils' previously high levels of absence. It takes swift and effective action to improve the attendance rates.

These actions have brought about sustained improvement in reducing absence levels.

The school has designed an extensive programme to enhance pupils' personal development. Pupils benefit greatly from a wide and rich set of experiences.

For example, they appreciate the plentiful opportunities that they have to develop their interests in a broad range of sporting activities, such as table cricket, swimming and wheelchair basketball. They take great pride in organising an annual festival, 'Sandfest'. They enjoy music, art, comedy and dance and drama activities at this event.

The school prepares pupils, and students in the sixth form, for adulthood exceptionally well. For example, pupils develop life skills such as budgeting and independent travel. They also complete work placements and supported internships with local businesses and enterprises, including at the Sandy Park Café, hotels, museums and Liverpool Women's Hospital.

These varied experiences help pupils to develop independence and confidence.

The school ensures that the high-quality education that it provides has a consistently positive impact on pupils, including those with SEND. Governors provide effective support and challenge.

They hold the school to account for the quality of education that it provides. The school has ensured that staff benefit from effective professional development. It has also taken steps to reduce staff's workload so that they can focus on their teaching.

This has significantly contributed to the staff's expert implementation of the curriculum. Parents and carers hold the school in extremely high regard.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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