Scott Primary School

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About Scott Primary School

Name Scott Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Anita Barker
Address Hawk Drive, Brickhill, Bedford, MK41 7JA
Phone Number 01234352630
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 509
Local Authority Bedford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The headteacher is committed to further improving the school.

She has a strong understanding of the pastoral needs of the pupils and their families. As a result, pupils' academic and personal development is provided for well. Senior leaders provide effective support to the headteacher.

Collectively, they recognise the challenges they faced with the school's recent expansion. They have acted quickly to ensure that all pupils experience a good quality of teaching, learning and assessment. Governors are skilled and offer appropriate challenge and support to school leaders.

They have ensured that improvement plans are linked to gains... in pupils' outcomes. Pupils behave well and are respectful of each other and adults. They are polite, keen to offer a welcoming smile, and engage in friendly conversation with visitors.

The curriculum is engaging for pupils and offers them many and varied experiences to support their personal and academic development. The teaching of phonics is effective. Pupils learn and use skills that support their reading and spelling.

Pupils develop an enjoyment of reading. Pupils' attainment in the phonics screening check is typically above the national average. The early years gives children a good start to their education.

Leaders ensure that effective teaching, learning and assessment lead to children making strong progress from their different starting points. Subject leaders are knowledgeable and use assessment information to identify the priorities for further improvement. However, they do not check carefully enough that their actions make a difference to pupils' achievement.

Pupils' attainment is good this year and their progress is improving rapidly. Leaders have acted decisively to improve the progress made by current pupils to raise their attainment, especially in reading and writing. The quality of teaching, learning and assessment is good.

Most current pupils make strong progress in a range of subjects. However, teachers occasionally plan activities that are too easy for the most able pupils and do not challenge them to show what they can achieve.

Information about this school

The school has grown in pupil numbers considerably since the previous inspection and now operates on two sites.

The school admitted Year 6 pupils for the first time in 2018 due to the closure of another school and as part of reorganisation of education in the local authority. The majority of pupils are White British. Those pupils who speak English as an additional language come from a wide range of minority ethnic backgrounds.

The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is above average. The proportion of pupils with SEND is above average. The school holds the Inclusion Quality Mark and School Games Mark.

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