Shirehampton Primary School

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About Shirehampton Primary School

Name Shirehampton Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Louisa Munton
Address St Mary’s Walk, Shirehampton, Bristol, BS11 9RR
Phone Number 01179031447
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 521
Local Authority Bristol, City of
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders are highly successful at raising the expectations of teachers and pupils. Pupils are encouraged to see their potential and are given the self-confidence to work hard and aim high.

Teaching overall is good and is particularly strong in the early years and in upper key stage 2. Teachers have good subject knowledge, give clear explanations and plan their lessons well. In most year groups, pupils are working at standards expected for their age in reading, writing and mathematics.

Improvements in writing have been maintained and the recent changes to the way in which mathematics is taught are leading to an upturn in standards. Some pup...ils, however, are not consistently challenged to reach the higher standards, particularly in mathematics. Most pupils learn well and make good progress overall as they move through the school.

This includes those who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities, disadvantaged pupils and the most able. Pupils benefit from helpful and detailed feedback from their teachers. However, not all pupils use this feedback consistently to improve their learning.

Children in the early years make good progress. They are curious and respond well to the exciting and stimulating teaching they receive. The welfare of pupils, many of whom have complex social and emotional needs, is very well managed and is very effective in meeting their individual needs.

Pupils enjoy coming to school; they are very well behaved, feel safe and show care and consideration to others. The carefully planned curriculum places a high priority on ensuring that pupils are well prepared for life as citizens in modern Britain. Attendance has improved substantially over the last year and is continuing to improve.

The attendance of disadvantaged pupils, however, still remains low. Governors have a very clear and accurate understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses. They provide effective strategic leadership and support.

Information about this school

The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website. The school meets the government's current floor standards. The proportion of pupils who receive support for SEN and/or disabilities is above average.

The proportion of pupils who have a statement of special educational needs or an education, health and care plan is below the national average. There are above average numbers of pupils known to be eligible for support by the pupil premium. The school runs an on-site breakfast club which is managed by the governing body.

Also at this postcode
Shirehampton Primary School - Lawrence Weston Out of School Activities

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