Somerfords’ Walter Powell CofE Academy

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About Somerfords’ Walter Powell CofE Academy

Name Somerfords’ Walter Powell CofE Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Christina Brugger
Address Dauntsey Road, Great Somerford, Chippenham, SN15 5HS
Phone Number 01249720797
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 56
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Somerfords' Walter Powell C of E Academy is a happy place, where pupils enjoy learning. Pupils talk positively about how the school values help them to think of others, overcome mistakes and to have the confidence to 'show who they really are inside.'

Parents speak highly about the school's caring and nurturing ethos and the role it plays in the local community.

Pupils meet the high expectations that the school has for their behaviour. They are polite, courteous and follow the school rules well.

This starts in the Nursery where children listen carefully and play well with one another.

Pupils feel safe. Staff take time to form respectful and positive... relationships with pupils.

Pupils trust adults to listen and help them when needed such as if fall outs occur.

The school provides pupils with a range of experiences to extend their learning beyond the classroom. Pupils enjoy their residential visits and trips to museums.

They say these experiences help them to learn new things. Pupils are keen to take on roles of leadership by becoming members of the worship council and pupil leadership team. They say these roles make them feel responsible and help them to make their school a better place.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has taken effective action to address the areas identified as needing improvement at the previous inspection. Expectations for what all pupils can achieve have been raised. The curriculum, which is adapted to meet the needs of pupils, has been designed well.

It makes clear the precise knowledge that pupils need to know and when they need to know it.

The school ensures that learning to read is a real priority. This starts in the Nursery where staff introduce children to a wide range of songs, rhymes and stories.

Children in the Reception Year learn and remember new sounds well. Teachers quickly identify pupils who struggle with reading. If pupils fall behind, they receive the support they need to help them to catch up quickly.

Pupils have a positive view of reading. They say that reading 'relaxes them' and helps them to 'build pictures in their minds.' As they move through the school, pupils read a range of texts with increasing fluency and accuracy.

In mathematics, teachers benefit from the training they receive to teach the curriculum well. They model mathematical concepts clearly. Staff provide pupils with the resources they need to help them to develop their mathematical understanding.

For example, older pupils use objects, such as number lines and two-sided counters, effectively to help them with their calculations when converting fractions to decimals.

In most subjects, teachers routinely check on what pupils know and remember.They use this information well to address gaps in, or build, pupils' knowledge over time.

In art, for example, pupils confidently use their previous knowledge of painting and collage to create imaginative monotype prints. However, in some other areas of the curriculum, the checks that teachers make are less effective. As a result, some pupils struggle to recall the important knowledge they have been taught.

They do not make links to what they have learned before. This hampers the progress that some pupils make.

The school knows the needs of an increasing number of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) well.

It works closely with external organisations to ensure that these pupils receive the help they need. Staff make appropriate adaptations to learning. As a result, pupils with SEND are supported to progress through the curriculum as well as their peers.

Pupils work hard and want to do well. This starts in the early years where children sustain their concentration during activities and are eager to share their learning. The school has high expectations for pupil attendance.

If attendance dips, the school works closely with parents to ensure that it improves.

The school's programme to develop pupils personally is carefully considered. Pupils learn about how to manage the potential risks in their local area, for example, road safety.

They understand why fundamental British values and protected characteristics, such as individual liberty, are important in the modern world they live in. Pupils develop their character by supporting a local food bank or by taking part in community events.

Trustees and the local academy council accurately understand the school's strengths and areas for improvement.

They provide appropriate support and challenge to help improve the school. Staff value the opportunities they have to develop their expertise by working with colleagues from other schools.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The checks on pupils' knowledge and understanding across the curriculum are not fully effective. As a result, some pupils struggle to recall previous learning and do not build their knowledge well. The trust needs to ensure that assessment is used effectively so that pupils learn and remember the curriculum successfully in all subjects.

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