Somerton Primary School

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About Somerton Primary School

Name Somerton Primary School
Address Hawthorn Fosse, Newport, NP19 9AB
Phone Number 01633 272504
Phase Nursery, Infants & Juniors
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 176 (53.4% boys 46.6% girls)
Number of Pupils per Teacher 19.6
Local Authority Newport
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Somerton Primary School is federated with nearby Eveswell Primary School.

They share an executive headteacher and a governing body. Both schools work together effectively to improve provision for pupils in a mutually beneficial way. For example, staff at Somerton support colleagues at Eveswell in developing nurture provision, while Eveswell shares its expertise in curriculum development.

Over recent years, leaders have worked hard to develop consistent approaches to teaching and learning through high expectation, teamworking and continual improvement. Recently, however, Somerton has experienced significant staff absence, which has impacted on this work. Staff work together to create a safe and supportive environment in pupils blossom.

The school's nurture provision is a notable feature of this work. Staff know their pupils and their families well. As a result of these trusting relationships, pupils know who to turn to for help, should they need it.

Staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Teachers and support staff endeavour to develop positive attitudes to inclusion. The school celebrates the diversity of its community and encourages pupils to develop an understanding of the heritage and culture of Wales.

During their time at the school, pupils develop their knowledge and skills well and make strong progress from their starting points. Teachers often use pupils' thoughts and ideas to create engaging lessons. However, the effectiveness of these lessons in ensuring that all pupils have a suitable level of challenge and engagement is too variable.

Coupled with this, the learning environments, particularly in the younger classes, limit the opportunities for pupils to be curious and become independent learners. The school encourages pupils to develop their interests well. There are a wide range of extra-curricular activities that encourage pupils to develop new skills and knowledge.

In addition, the school arranges interesting places to visit to extend their learning. Staff are beginning to work with pupils to help them to develop their leadership skills through the various pupil voice groups and strengthen their voice in shaping their school. Recommendations R1 Improve the quality and consistency of teaching to ensure that all pupils have suitable challenge and are actively engaged in their learning R2 Improve the learning environments to support teaching, particularly for younger pupils to develop their independence and curiosity What happens next The school will draw up an action plan to address the recommendations from the inspection.

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