South Wilford Endowed CofE Primary School

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About South Wilford Endowed CofE Primary School

Name South Wilford Endowed CofE Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Ms Natalie Aldridge
Address Main Road, Wilford, Nottingham, NG11 7AL
Phone Number 01159152967
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 382
Local Authority Nottingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Staff make the school a safe and happy place. Pupils are positive about their experiences. Staff and pupils live out the school's values of 'joy, fellowship, respect, encouragement, forgiveness and love'.

Pupils relish leadership opportunities such as being curriculum, resilience and trust parliament leaders. They are actively involved in the local community. They have strong links with the local church and are involved in charity events.

Pupils lead an annual community action week.

Pupils enjoy being at school. They value the opportunities they have.

They look after Fudge, Cupcake and Flapjack, the rabbits, and the other farm animals. Staff provide ...many enriching experiences for pupils' personal development. Pupils gain from opportunities that nurture their interests and talents.

Pupils are confident to share their worries. They appreciate that staff listen and help. Pupils know that staff sort out bullying when it occasionally happens.

Staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Pupils are welcoming, polite and respectful. Most pupils apply themselves well in lessons and focus on their learning.

The vast majority of parents and carers comment positively about the school. Typically, a parent said, 'My children are challenged and encouraged to "be at their best" in all areas.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have planned ambitious curriculums in most subjects, including mathematics, geography and physical education.

These curriculums identify the key knowledge pupils need to know and when. Pupils' learning is logically stepped to build on previous learning from Reception to the end of Year 6. For example, in history, pupils gain key knowledge and develop a mature appreciation of cause and consequence through time.

However, leaders have not ensured that all subject curriculums are as ambitious as the national curriculum and that of other subjects.

Teachers deliver the intended curriculum well. They check pupils' learning and address misunderstandings and errors.

Staff identify and support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) very well. Leaders engage with specialist professionals to meet the needs of these pupils as required. As a result, all pupils secure rapid and deep learning in most subjects.

Reading is a priority. Leaders have established a strong culture through which they foster pupils' love of reading. Leaders make sure that children learn to read from the moment they start in Reception.

Staff teach early reading consistently and effectively. They use resources well. Pupils learn and apply their phonic knowledge very well.

They become fluent readers. This is reflected in the high proportion who meet the expected standards in the Year 1 phonics screening check. Pupils learn to comprehend different texts and stories.

Teachers bring stories to life. Staff nurture a love of literature and reading.

Children settle quickly to excellent early years provision.

Staff form positive relationships with children. Staff establish routines, which children adopt. Staff set high expectations of behaviour, which children meet.

Children understand what is expected of them. Leaders are highly ambitious for all, particularly children with SEND. Staff support children to make the most of every moment of learning.

Children love the opportunities to play, explore and learn. They do so through well-thought-through activities. Children are cared for exceptionally well.

They get off to a great start in early years.

Leaders have a strong focus on the personal development of all pupils. Leaders ensure that the school's values underpin the personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education curriculum.

Pupils benefit from varied opportunities to learn about physical and emotional health. They receive age-appropriate relationships and sex education. They learn about healthy relationships.

They learn to value diversity and equality. For example, pupils learn about, and respect, different faiths by working in partnership with an Islamic school. Pupils deepen their understanding of right and wrong.

They are very well prepared for life in modern Britain. Opportunities for pupils' personal development are exceptional.

Leaders lead with a strong moral purpose.

The quality of pastoral care is very positive. Leaders set high expectations of pupils and staff. This leadership underpins the school's many strengths.

Leaders secure staff's support and dedication. Staff feel, and are, valued. They appreciate the research and training opportunities available to them.

Governors and trustees support and challenge leaders appropriately. They fulfil their responsibilities well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders know pupils and their backgrounds very well. They take appropriate steps when they recognise concerns about pupils' welfare. They ensure that pupils are kept safe.

They work with external agencies to provide additional help when needed. Staff receive regular training and understand their responsibilities.

Leaders regularly review their assessments of any risk, including regarding the school site.

They ensure that the site is safe and secure. Pupils learn about potential risks and how to be safe, for example when online and in the community. Leaders adapt the curriculum to help pupils know how to keep safe.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Parts of the science curriculum and some foundation subject curriculums are not as ambitious as they could be. Pupils are not consistently challenged in all aspects of these subjects. Leaders must ensure that all aspects of subject curriculums are suitably ambitious.

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