St Andrew’s Church of England Primary School

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About St Andrew’s Church of England Primary School

Name St Andrew’s Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Ian Bartle
Address Stonyacres, Yetminster, Sherborne, DT9 6LS
Phone Number 01935872430
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 118
Local Authority Dorset
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are at the centre of this inclusive village school. The whole school community has high expectations of each other and what everyone can achieve.

Staff have an accurate view of the pupils' individual needs and they provide strong pastoral support.

Pupils like coming to school. They talk enthusiastically about the wide range of opportunities provided for them.

Pupils understand and appreciate how the school supports their personal development and well-being. Parents are very positive about the nurture, care and academic support their children receive.

Pupils show respect for staff and each other.

Pupils behave well in lessons. They und...erstand that some pupils sometimes struggle to manage their own behaviour at lunchtimes. On occasions, when poor behaviour occurs, adults deal with this with sensitivity.

Pupils feel safe and say bullying is rare.

The school is shaped by its values and promotes respect and tolerance for all. Pupils treat everyone equally.

For example, pupils say that 'we are all different, but that is good'. Older pupils have a clear understanding of democracy and fairness.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders prioritise children's language development in the early years.

Children are exposed to many songs and rhymes and this widens their vocabulary. Getting pupils reading as soon as possible sits at the heart of the curriculum. Phonics teaching from Reception and across key stage 1 is effective in helping pupils to sound out unfamiliar words.

Staff use their training well and take every opportunity to support and check pupils' phonics knowledge. Books match the sounds pupils are learning. Careful assessment of what pupils know and remember ensures that staff can identify where extra help is needed.

Pupils that need to catch up receive effective support and are developing into confident and competent readers.

Pupils enjoy reading. They understand why it is important to be able to read.

Older pupils told inspectors that books 'open up different worlds. When you start reading, you get transported somewhere different'.

The mathematics curriculum is clearly sequenced to ensure that pupils build on previous knowledge over time.

Staff use assessment well to focus on what pupils still need to place into their long-term memory. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported effectively to follow the sequence of learning through additional teaching input. Consequently, they access the full curriculum and do well.

Leaders have worked systematically on what is to be taught and when in subjects other than English and mathematics. In music, the curriculum is ambitious. Key knowledge is woven through units of work to support pupils to build on previous learning.

However, in some subjects, such as geography, teachers do not make the knowledge that they are teaching explicit enough. Therefore, pupils are unable to talk about the key concepts they should know and remember with confidence. Teachers do not check what pupils know and can do precisely enough.

As a result, pupils have gaps in their geographical knowledge and understanding.

The curriculum caters effectively for pupils with SEND. Leaders ensure they are included fully in all areas of school life.

Staff understand pupils' needs. Careful identification ensures that tailored support is provided. Strong links with external agencies help the school with its planning and provision of the social, emotional and academic needs of pupils.

Pupils behave well. There is little off-task behaviour in class. When poor behaviour does occur, staff deal with it appropriately by re-engaging pupils back into their learning quickly.

Pupils are adamant that everyone is welcome. They appreciate and value the input they get in developing themselves as individuals. Pupils know that individuality makes them unique and special, and positive self-expression is healthy.

Staff model this well. Pupils are proud of their work, particularly in music, art and dance where they could talk about their feelings and actions.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure there is a strong culture of keeping children safe. Staff receive regular and up-to-date training. They understand what they have to do if they have a concern about a pupil.

Staff know leaders take their concerns seriously. Leaders provide the support that pupils and their families need.

Leaders ensure that all employment checks on staff are thorough.

Pupils and parents agree the school is a safe place to be. Staff teach pupils how to manage risk and to keep themselves safe.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In most subjects, the school curriculum is well planned and sequenced.

However, in a few subjects, pupils are not always clear about what knowledge they are expected to learn and why. As a result, pupils cannot articulate their learning well enough. Teachers need to be explicit with pupils about what subject-specific content they want pupils to know and remember.

• Assessment information is not always precise enough to check what pupils understand. In a few subjects, pupils have gaps in subject-specific knowledge. Teachers need to check what pupils know and can do when implementing the curriculum so that they can assure themselves that pupils are securing all the essential knowledge they intend pupils to know.

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