St Charles Borromeo Catholic Primary School, Weybridge

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About St Charles Borromeo Catholic Primary School, Weybridge

Name St Charles Borromeo Catholic Primary School, Weybridge
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Stephen Holt
Address Portmore Way, Weybridge, KT13 8JD
Phone Number 01932842617
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 243
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy school and are happy and highly motivated to learn. They strive to live up to the school values of 'grow, learn, work, follow' and consider these to be central to school life. The school's partnership with parents is strong, and parents are effusive in their praise.

One parent summed up the views of many, saying their child had 'the best possible start'.

Across the curriculum, pupils achieve well. In lessons, they listen carefully and show a great curiosity in their learning.

Pupils talk animatedly about recent lessons they have enjoyed. Academic, musical and sporting talents are all valued and celebrated. There is high participation in the exten...sive range of clubs on offer.

Staff ensure all pupils are supported to develop their own talents and interests.

Pupils behave exceptionally well. This creates a strong sense of belonging and togetherness.

There is a positive and caring culture in the school. Older pupils look out for and help younger ones. For example, pupils in the Whiz club help younger pupils during playtimes.

Bullying is rare but, if needed, leaders deal with it swiftly. Pupils know there is always someone to share their concerns with if they are worried.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The provision for pupils' personal development is exceptional.

Pupils develop characteristics that provide a springboard for their future lives. They have meaningful opportunities to interact with and learn from people from a broad range of backgrounds through activities such as trips to the local mosque and synagogue. Leaders invite inspirational visitors such as Paralympians to speak to pupils, reinforcing the importance of personal goals and resilience.

Pupils develop an understanding of themselves, their local community and the world beyond. As a result, they are keen to think of others and the difference they can make. Pupils relish opportunities for leadership roles such as school councillors or by raising funds for local and national charities.

Pupils' behaviour is excellent. This is because expectations are established in the early years. As soon as children start, teachers help them to build routines, communicate effectively and focus on their learning.

Adults model how they want pupils to behave. They treat pupils with respect and reward positive behaviours.

Leaders are resolute that pupils will read fluently and develop a love of reading.

Staff benefit from high-quality training and deliver the phonics curriculum confidently. Children in the early years quickly learn the sounds that letters represent. Pupils practise the sounds they are learning by reading carefully selected books.

Assessment is ongoing and identifies where some pupils have gaps. Staff ensure effective support is given to these pupils, including those in key stage 2 who struggle with their fluency skills. As a result, pupils develop into confident and competent readers.

Older pupils enjoy reading and talk avidly about the new books and authors they have discovered. They enjoy hearing the high-quality texts read to them by their teachers. This builds their enthusiasm, and many choose to read other books by the same author.

The curriculum is ambitious and designed to meet the needs of all pupils. Starting from the early years, leaders have identified and sequenced the things pupils need to know in each subject so that learning builds on what pupils already know and can do. In the main, teachers check pupils' understanding carefully.

This helps them to identify what they need to focus on in future lessons. They use this information to plan opportunities for pupils to reinforce their knowledge. Leaders use this information to accurately identify pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

They provide high-quality support for teachers so that they know how to tailor teaching to enable pupils with SEND to thrive and join in with their peers.

Many subjects are led effectively. Subject leaders' expertise is developed by working closely with specialists from the trust.

Staff work together to share knowledge, ideas and experience. This ensures that the activities teachers plan help pupils to build on their prior understanding. However, in a small number of subjects, this is not as effective because subject leaders have not supported teachers sufficiently well to understand exactly how to deliver the intended curriculum.

The school is well led. Governors and the trust work closely with leaders. Governors are clear about their role in keeping children safe.

Leaders understand the strengths of the school and have appropriate plans to help it improve further. Staff enjoy working at the school, and value the training they have received from the trust to improve their subject knowledge.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Pupils are taught to identify risky situations and explore scenarios to understand the impact of their decisions. They are taught about different relationships. Pupils understand that some relationships, including those online, can be dangerous.

They know what to do if they are worried.

The trust ensures that staff are well trained and knowledgeable about their responsibilities for safeguarding. Systems for reporting concerns are effective.

Staff know pupils well and what to do if they are concerned. They know that no issue is too small to report. Leaders act swiftly, working with outside agencies to ensure pupils and their families get timely and effective support.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, teachers do not have the necessary knowledge to deliver the curriculum as intended. As a result, pupils' learning does not build as well as it could over time. Senior leaders should ensure that subject leaders have the expertise to provide clear guidance to teachers and check on how well the curriculum is implemented.

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