St Francis Church of England Primary School

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About St Francis Church of England Primary School

Name St Francis Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Dawn Harrison
Address Pilgrims Close, Valley Park, Eastleigh, SO53 4ST
Phone Number 02380271178
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 396
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils embody the school's values in this kind and nurturing school. Pupils behave exceptionally well both in lessons and around the school.

Staff make sure that all pupils, beginning with children in the Reception Year, receive a warm welcome each day. Staff are keen to hear pupils' views and take prompt action to resolve any concerns. This ensures that pupils feel happy and safe.

Staff are determined to empower all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, to be well prepared for the next stage of their education. The school uses their values of care, trust and respect to promote positive attitudes to learning. Pupils respond enthusiastically to the school's expectations.

They are keen to try hard and learn well.The school plans purposeful experiences beyond the academic. These include visits from expert speakers, clubs, trips and music concerts.

Pupils learn to support themselves and others. For example, pupil leaders take pride in helping other pupils to develop an understanding and love of the subject they represent. These and other roles teach pupils to be responsible and resilient.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The ambitious curriculum is well designed. The school has identified and sequenced the precise content it intends pupils to learn from early years onwards. Staff make appropriate changes to the curriculum when they think it could better meet the needs of pupils.

They provide strong support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Staff use expert knowledge to identify additional needs and adapt their teaching to promote pupils' independence from the start of Reception.Staff benefit from high-quality training.

This equips them with secure subject knowledge to help pupils learn the most important content. Staff prioritise building pupils' communication and language skills over time. This begins in Reception, where children receive an exceptional start to their time in the school.

Pupils develop their spoken vocabulary using accurate language about many aspects of their learning, such as numbers.Across the school, staff usually create thoughtfully designed activities for pupils to learn and practise their skills. Teachers often recap important content, which helps pupils to connect and build learning over time.

However, in a small number of subjects, staff do not always check pupils' understanding of previously taught knowledge carefully enough. Consequently, pupils do not achieve as well in these subjects as in others.The teaching of reading is a high priority.

This starts in Reception, where children receive expert support to develop their language skills. Staff closely follow the school's chosen phonics scheme and provide effective support for pupils who need more practice. Pupils read books that contain the sounds they have learned to develop their fluency.

The school provides useful guidance for parents and carers to support their child to read at home. Staff foster a love of stories by talking about the books they love and reading books aloud skilfully. They expose pupils to books that promote discussion about the meaning behind the words the author has chosen.

Consequently, pupils develop into confident readers. This was seen in the positive end of key stage 2 outcomes in 2023.Pupils' behaviour is exceptional and they have very positive attitudes to learning.

Staff use a consistent approach to promoting positive behaviour. This creates a happy environment for pupils to learn. Additional support for some pupils helps them maintain focus in lessons.

Pupils arrive at school on time as they understand the importance of it. Leaders are relentless in their quest for high attendance of pupils and work closely with families to ensure this. As a result, attendance of pupils is high.

The personal development of pupils is exceptional. The school has designed an impressive curriculum that develops pupils' character and a deep appreciation for the diversity in the world around them. Opportunities to raise money for local, national and global charities enhance this.

For example, pupils raised money for a charity to ensure that disadvantaged people in other countries received hygiene facilities. The school carefully tracks which pupils take part in these events and ensures that disadvantaged pupils benefit from every possible opportunity.Leaders at all levels are aspirational for pupils.

They share the same inclusive vision and keep pupils at the heart of decision-making. Staff are positive about the support they receive that helps them to refine their teaching. They are proud to work at the school.

The dedicated governing body supports pupils and staff to be their best. It provides effective challenge to help the school to further improve.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, staff do not check what pupils have learned and understood systematically. This means that some pupils' misconceptions are not always being identified and addressed. Leaders must ensure that staff check pupils' understanding and address any gaps in pupils' knowledge effectively in all subjects.

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