St Gabriel’s Church of England Primary School

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About St Gabriel’s Church of England Primary School

Name St Gabriel’s Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Belinda Haigh
Address Wilworth Crescent, Blackburn, BB1 8QN
Phone Number 01254249462
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 210
Local Authority Blackburn with Darwen
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud to attend this happy and harmonious school. They enjoy their learning and spending time with friends.

Pupils value opportunities to participate in clubs that extend their talents and interests. This includes producing the school newspaper, as well as an assortment of music and sports clubs.

Pupils swiftly develop warm and trusting relationships with staff.

They behave well, treating one another with kindness and respect. In the Reception class, children quickly adapt to the routines and expectations of school. They share, take turns and learn how to be a 'fantastic friend' to their peers.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or ...disabilities (SEND) thrive in the calm and welcoming atmosphere. The school fosters an ambitious yet supportive environment that is aspirational for the achievement of all. As a result, pupils achieve well.

Pupils are active contributors to the school community. For example, in their roles as school councillors, pupils have a voice in how the school is run. Year 6 'gardeners' take responsibility for a 'seedling' from the Reception class, acting as a positive role model and mentor.

This helps children in the early years to quickly feel part of wider school life.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed an effective curriculum. It has clearly identified the knowledge and vocabulary that it wants pupils to learn.

Through regular training, teachers are equipped with high levels of expertise across the breadth of the curriculum. They design learning that extends and deepens pupils' knowledge. They regularly identify what pupils know and can do, providing targeted support where needed.

This is particularly the case in the early years, where staff take every opportunity to develop children's understanding through group work, discussion and play. As a result, children in the early years achieve exceptionally well.

Teachers are typically adept at checking that pupils have learned all that they should.

They skilfully identify and address misconceptions that would otherwise hinder pupils' learning. However, in one or two subjects, pupils are less well supported to remember their learning over time. In these subjects, some pupils do not develop a secure body of knowledge.

This is because they struggle to recall and build on their previous learning.

Pupils develop into confident, fluent and accurate readers. They talked enthusiastically about the books that they have enjoyed, including those that their teachers share with them.

Children joining the Reception class start to learn phonics quickly. Well-trained staff deliver this programme with expertise. Pupils in key stage 1 practise reading frequently, using books that feature the sounds that they already know.

Staff regularly check on pupils' reading knowledge and provide suitable additional help to any that are struggling. This helps these pupils to learn all that they should.

The school accurately identifies pupils with SEND.

Teachers ensure that these pupils receive the support that they need to progress through the curriculum well.

A small number of pupils do not attend school as regularly as they should. They miss out on important learning.

In some cases, the school has not acted swiftly enough to ascertain and address the barriers that hamper pupils' regular attendance. This has hindered its efforts to reduce pupils' absences.

The school is calm and orderly.

In classrooms, staff create a positive environment that encourages pupils' self-belief and resilience. They inspire children to love learning and to be curious about the world around them. In the Reception class, staff are highly effective in supporting children to develop their confidence and independence.

Children are well primed for success in their future learning.

Pupils benefit from a broad and rich programme that supports their personal development. They learn how to keep themselves physically and mentally healthy, and how to stay safe, including when online.

The school adapts the programme to respond to topical issues that arise, whether in school, locally or nationally. Pupils enjoy a range of educational visits that bring their learning to life.

Pupils display a strong knowledge of fundamental British values, such as democracy, respect and tolerance.

The school welcomes and celebrates the diversity of religious and cultural groups within its community. For example, it is beginning to increase the range of cultures and ethnicities that are represented in the books that pupils encounter. This helps pupils from different backgrounds to relate to similar characters in literature.

Governors are knowledgeable about the school. They fulfil their statutory duties and provide suitable support to the school and its close-knit staff team. Staff enjoy working here.

They are appreciative of the lengths that the school goes to to support their well-being. Staff feel that they have the time that they need to carry out their roles well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects, the school does not provide enough support to help pupils to remember their learning over time. This means that some pupils find it difficult to connect new learning to what they have learned before. The school should ensure that pupils are well supported to recall and develop their knowledge, so that they can build up a broad understanding of these subjects.

• Some pupils do not attend school as regularly as they should. This means that they miss out on valuable opportunities for learning and play. The school should ensure that it works with parents and carers to identify and address any issues that cause pupils to be absent unnecessarily.

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