St Hild’s Church of England School

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About St Hild’s Church of England School

Name St Hild’s Church of England School
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Tracey Gibson
Address King Oswy Drive, West View, Hartlepool, TS24 9PB
Phone Number 01429273041
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 670
Local Authority Hartlepool
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The staff at St Hild's want the best for the pupils, families and the community. The school has high expectations for pupils' behaviour. Most pupils meet these expectations.

This contributes to the purposeful atmosphere in the school.

Well-structured lessons, which focus on learning more about the subject, are the norm. Leaders continually review the curriculum.

More recently changes have been made to school systems, processes and staffing, in order to improve on the weak external examination outcomes of summer 2023. Published outcomes in 2023 did not meet the schools' aspirations for pupils' achievement.

The school supports pupils to understand how become strong scholars.

Pupils' study habits are improving. Staff and pupils understand the school's routines for learning in lessons. Knowing what to expect in lessons, and individuals' roles in lessons, helps both staff and pupils create a positive climate for learning.

Pupils are safe in school. Staff listen to pupils. They support pupils well when they have worries and concerns.

Adults' praise and recognition of pupils' positive work and attitudes are a focus in lessons. Leaders have implemented a range of strategies alongside a whole-trust attendance policy. Pupils' attendance is improving.

Staff recognise excellence in lessons and nominate pupils to receive a 'Headteacher Excellence Award' each week.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has an outward-looking mindset. This allows leaders to draw on expertise to develop the school's curriculum and support the staff team in implementing this.

This work is underpinned by a clear focus on developing behaviour systems that support learning. This contributes to a continually improving curriculum offer, which helps pupils to know and remember more.

When pupils start school in Year 7, the staff are keen to learn about them and support their individual needs.

The school also welcomes many pupils at various times throughout the school year. The warm welcome given to these mid-year entrants helps them to settle in quickly.

The curriculum is broad and balanced.

In key stage 3, food lessons help pupils learn life skills, such as cooking and how to prepare a meal on a budget. Teachers follow clear routines in classes. For example, pupils read, record and understand the learning objective of every lesson.

The school's refinements to the curriculums are continuous. The impact of these positive changes is beginning to be seen.

The school's well-stocked library is more than a room with books.

It is a place where pupils enjoy reading books that transport them to different places and times. Staff have carefully chosen the books to engage the pupils in reading for pleasure. Those pupils who are in the early stages of learning to read receive support from well- trained and knowledgeable adults.

The school quickly uses a variety of methods to improve pupils' reading. Phonics is taught daily to those pupils who need it. This enables them to rapidly improve their reading ability.

In some subject areas, the school has struggled to recruit staff. Where this is the case, senior leaders have invested in training to upskill the existing staff. This investment in staff training has helped to keep the curriculum broad in key stages 3 and 4.

The school's EBacc entries are low. Leaders have plans to improve this.

The school provides pupils with strong career guidance to support them when choosing their subject options in Year 9.

Many of the pupils who spoke to inspectors have a future career in mind. They know the qualifications that will help them to be employable in their chosen career.

The school believes that positive behaviours form the bedrock for learning.

Low-level disruption is not allowed to spoil learning. The school imposes consequences on pupils that are in line with the school's behaviour policy. The use of suspensions is high, however, this is reducing.

The school's records demonstrate that suspension is used appropriately.

Most pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) learn and socialise with their peers well. Staff use information about their individual needs.

This enables them to support and help pupils with SEND appropriately. For a small proportion of pupils, targets lack the precise detail needed to support them to access the curriculum, in order to make more rapid progress.

The school provides opportunities to enhance pupils' wider development and to support pupils in becoming active and independent citizens.

This is part of the school's wider vision to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills that they need to be successful in life. The school is keen for all pupils to be independent learners and thinkers who can self-regulate. The school offers a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and activities, based on pupils' interests and talents.

Leadership opportunities are also available. These include working as sports and worship leaders. Pupils show respect and tolerance for other faiths.

They have a secure understanding of fundamental British values, such as the rule of law and democracy.

Trustees have a keen interest in the school. They are astute and supportive of the governing body and leaders' decisions in school.

The staff in school have the support of school leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school has undertaken extensive curriculum improvements.

The impact of these changes is at an early stage. The school must ensure that subject leaders are supported to embed these positive changes and that this work is monitored and evaluated, in order to support all pupils to achieve ambitious outcomes that match leaders' high expectations. ? The school has struggled to recruit specialist teachers in some subjects.

Some staff do not have the subject specific knowledge that is needed to implement the school's curriculum well. Pupils do not always make the progress they are capable of in these areas. The school should continue to support teachers to gain the specialist knowledge that is needed to teach the school's curriculum consistently well in all subjects.

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