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The school is ambitious for every pupil. St Ives is a happy, vibrant and high-performing school. Many pupils hardly miss a day and show genuine pride in attending.
Relationships between pupils and staff reflect a highly positive and respectful culture. Pupils understand discrimination and why it is not acceptable. They actively support the well-being of others.
Everyone is accepted for who they are.
From Nursery onwards, pupils display high levels of self-control. They develop strong and positive character traits, which enable them to persevere when they are out of their comfort zones and learning is hard.
Pupils listen well to staff and each other. ...They demonstrate excellent manners. The curriculum is wide-ranging.
Pupils learn exceptionally well across it. This prepares them superbly year on year and for secondary school.
Opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests are of exceptional quality.
They learn about the arts, culture and music. This makes pupils inquisitive about the world. There are lots of clubs.
Pupils make a highly positive, tangible contribution to the life of the school, for example as learning and sports ambassadors. They support local charities and brighten the days of residents at local care homes by singing and presenting to them.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and staff share the trust's high ambition for what pupils will achieve.
Their strong commitment to evaluating the effectiveness of the school ensures that the curriculum is continuously improving. The school has a sharp focus on developing teachers' subject knowledge. This results in many staff across the school being experts in the subjects and phases they teach.
These staff coach and support others so that they develop consistently strong knowledge. This ensures that the curriculum is highly successful in teaching pupils what they need to know.
Children get off to an excellent start in Nursery.
Warm relationships, effective routines and close attention to early language development build children's vocabulary and personal, social and emotional development brilliantly. The curriculum continues to build pupils' knowledge and confidence year on year. Pupils become eloquent and self-assured as a result.
Staff have a shared understanding of the curriculum and implement it very well. They use the school-wide assessment systems to check what pupils know and remember effectively. Making sure that every child learns to read, whatever their starting point, is everyone's mantra.
Pupils learn phonics well. This sets them up to read and understand more complex texts later. Pupils achieve very well.
By the time they are ready to move to secondary school, a large majority of Year 6 pupils exceed the national standards expected of them in reading and mathematics.
Pupils' work across the curriculum is consistently of high quality. Pupils learn a wealth of knowledge through the broad range of other subjects.
This makes pupils very knowledgeable in subjects such as computing, French and science. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities achieve exceptionally well across the curriculum.
Leaders check the impact of the school's curriculum astutely.
This ensures that pupils get the precise teaching they need. For example, when pupils get stuck or need more practice to secure the most complex concepts in mathematics, they receive extra teaching to achieve this. This ensures that pupils keep up with the curriculum and have ample opportunities to apply their increasing knowledge over time.
Staff and pupils adhere to and value the consistency of the school's behaviour policies. Pupils behave exceptionally well. There are highly effective and consistent approaches to support pupils who need to learn how to regulate their behaviour independently.
The school aims to prepare pupils in every conceivable way to become independent, well-rounded citizens. The focus on developing one's inner self includes a myriad of activities. This helps develop pupils' determination and resilience.
Pupils learn how to explore world issues, debate and make reasoned judgements and decisions. The personal, social, health and economic education curriculum teaches them a wealth of content, including drug and alcohol education and keeping healthy relationships. They also learn about careers and managing money.
The school-wide offer for sport is impressive. It includes everyone. Staff champion pupils' physical fitness all the way through the school.
Notably, specialist programmes from Nursery to Year 6 support pupils who need help to develop their balance and agility. This boosts these pupils' confidence and skills markedly.