St John’s Catholic Primary School

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About St John’s Catholic Primary School

Name St John’s Catholic Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Denise Maudsley
Address Fountains Road, Kirkdale, Liverpool, L4 1UN
Phone Number 01519221924
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 510
Local Authority Liverpool
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

The school puts all pupils' learning at the heart of everything it does. Leaders, staff, parents, carers and pupils work exceptionally well together.

The school's aim to 'live, love and learn together' is evident in all that it does. The ambitious, well-designed curriculum is implemented with consistency, care and rigour. Pupils thrive at this school.

They are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their education.

Pupils are happy and feel safe in school. It is a calm, well-ordered and supportive environment.

Adults and pupils are kind to each other. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. Those with special educational needs and/or disabilities ...(SEND) feel that they belong.

Differences are valued at this school. Pupils treat each other with understanding and respect.

An exciting range of cultural visits, such as to museums and galleries, help to inspire pupils.

They are encouraged to join a wide range of clubs inside and outside school. Many pupils learn musical instruments and perform in concerts for the school and wider community. Sport is valued and the bulging trophy cabinet demonstrates pupils' success.

Pupils play a positive role in developing the school culture. They take on leadership roles, such as 'eco-warriors' and mental health ambassadors. Pupils are motivated to take on additional responsibilities, seeing them as a reward for effort.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

It is leaders' passion and relentless focus on continual improvement that drives this school's success. The governing body is highly effective in maintaining the spotlight on pupils' excellent achievement. The school pinpoints what needs improving with precision.

It ensures that everyone understands what to do and has the support to succeed. Relationships are exceptionally strong. Diversity, difference, patience and respect are intertwined in all that the school does.

The school's curriculum has an excellent focus on developing pupils' acquisition of language. It sets out the knowledge, skills and vocabulary that pupils need to learn from the Nursery class to Year 6. Staff's strong subject knowledge enables them to teach the curriculum exceptionally well.

Particular attention is given to the teaching of mathematics. All pupils, from the early years onwards, are given time to practise and consolidate their mathematical knowledge. Staff check what pupils know and remember carefully before moving them to the next step.

The school is ensuring that this exemplary approach to assessment is embedded across the curriculum.

Staff promote a love of reading as soon as children start at the school. Children in the Reception class, the Nursery class and the day care are immersed in sharing stories, singing songs and learning rhymes.

They love their mathematics, language and phonics sessions. They make great strides in readiness for the next stage of their learning.

Early language screening programmes are used effectively.

Children who need it receive tailored speech and language support, enabling them to make rapid progress in spoken English. Vocabulary learning is woven carefully through the whole curriculum. The children who attend both the day care and school's Nursery class benefit from the shared curriculum.

At the last inspection in June 2023, the teaching of phonics was identified as an area for improvement. Leaders have tackled this area rigorously. Staff are well trained to teach the phonics programme as intended, with high levels of consistency.

Pupils practise reading daily using books that closely match the sounds they have learned. Staff monitor pupils' progress carefully and spotlight anyone who is at risk of falling behind in the phonics programme. Effective support is provided quickly to individuals and small groups.

Pupils reaching the end of the phonics programme read with accuracy, fluency and confidence. Staff choose class books to read to pupils that enable them to empathise and gain a greater understanding of the world. They develop pupils' love of reading exceptionally well.

The school quickly identifies the individual needs of pupils with SEND. These pupils follow the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. Staff provide excellent support where necessary.

Pupils with SEND are encouraged to join in the wide array of clubs and activities. The school is understanding of the different individual needs of pupils and supports them exceptionally well.

The provision for pupils' personal development is exceptional.

Through the excellent curriculum, they open pupils' eyes to the world outside their local community. Residential visits and visitors to the school help pupils to develop confidence in their communication skills. Pupils develop a strong understanding of age-appropriate relationships, tolerance and equality.

Leaders ensure that vulnerable pupils are supported to join in clubs and hold roles of responsibility. These pupils feel valued by the school community.

Pupils' behaviour in lessons and around the school is excellent.

Staff manage any pupils who have emotional problems effectively and with care to ensure that lessons are not disrupted. The attendance of most pupils is excellent. The school supports vulnerable pupils and their families well.

Staff are relentless in their efforts to get the small minority of persistently absent pupils to attend regularly. They know the reasons for poor attendance and draw together all available support services to ensure that pupils are encouraged to attend school.

Staff appreciate the development opportunities available to them.

They said that the school prioritises their workload, including when planning new initiatives. They are proud to work at the school, which is a beacon of excellence in the community.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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