St John’s Primary School

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About St John’s Primary School

Name St John’s Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Milan Stevanovic
Address St John’s Primary School, Green Man Gardens, London, W13 0SE
Phone Number 02085676251
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 469
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils flourish in this nurturing and safe environment. They are happy, well cared for and instilled with a strong sense of respect. The exemplary behaviour in classrooms and around the school reflects their positive attitudes.

Pupils are quick to follow instructions and learn to develop confidence and resilience. This begins in Reception, where they are encouraged to build their independence and care for one another.

The curriculum is broad and highly ambitious, fostering deep knowledge and understanding among pupils.

In lessons, they show enthusiasm and resilience, with high levels of engagement in their learning. Pupils consistently produce high-quality wo...rk across different subjects. This includes those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils take immense pride in their achievements. They are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education.

The school provides a variety of enrichment opportunities which aim to develop pupils' character and their awareness of the world around them.

For example, Year 6 pupils designed apps and presented them to industry leaders. Pupils are encouraged to participate in charity work. They also take on leadership roles within the school, such as representing their peers on the school council.

These pupil groups have successfully contributed to changes made at the school, such as designing the new library and outdoor playground equipment.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

There is a culture of aspiration based on the very highest expectations for all the pupils in this school. Dedicated and caring staff at all levels collectively share a commitment to excellence.

Together, they have carefully developed an exceptionally rich and ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including those with SEND. In every subject, knowledge has been clearly identified so that all staff know precisely what pupils should learn. Teachers make purposeful links between subjects to enrich pupils' understanding.

For instance, Year 6 pupils draw upon their knowledge of vectors from mathematics when they are learning about data structures during their computer science lessons.

Teachers have detailed subject knowledge because of regular, high-quality subject specific training and coaching. This enables them to provide effective modelling of learning and to challenge pupils to extend their thinking.

Throughout lessons, teachers check pupils' understanding and address any misconceptions. Teachers also revisit prior learning and make connections to new content. Leaders and teachers are just as ambitious for pupils with SEND, including those who attend the additional resourced provision.

As a result, pupils remember what they have learned and deepen their understanding over time. For instance, in science, pupils learn to classify plants in Year 1. They build on this further and step by step, for example by learning about the functions of a plant in Year 3.

By Year 6, pupils are able to confidently understand plant cell structures. This exemplifies the curriculum's highly effective approach to increasing knowledge incrementally, which in turn ensures that pupils are ready for the next stage of their education. Pupils with SEND are equally well prepared because their additional needs are assessed and planned for thoroughly.

A love of reading is evident across the school because it is given a high priority. Pupils are enthusiastic about books and enjoy both reading and being read to. All staff are well trained and deliver the phonics programme with precision.

This starts as soon as children enter the school. Books used to teach reading are carefully matched to the sounds that pupils know. This provides the practice needed to develop fluency and confidence.

Those at risk of falling behind are identified swiftly. Support, through carefully planned extra teaching sessions for example, helps pupils to catch up and keep up with their peers, and often exceed the targets the school has set for them.

Wider curriculum opportunities are carefully planned to enhance pupils' learning.

Pupils routinely take part in clubs, including coding, chess and sewing. The curriculum has been well designed to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain. They are taught about issues such as equality and diversity.

The 'gratitude' assembly is a highlight for pupils because they look forward to being awarded for their kindness and respect towards others.

The behaviour of pupils is exemplary. This begins in the early years, where children are highly motivated and engaged across all areas of learning.

Older pupils build on this positive start successfully. Pupils work diligently and collaboratively in class, as they want to achieve their best. These positive attitudes make a strong contribution to pupils' high achievements.

Leaders collaborate closely with families to support pupils in attending school regularly and on time. Although persistent absence has been a challenge, the school's effective work means that there has been a noticeable decline in persistent absence this year.

Leaders, including the governing body, have created an ambitious culture that puts pupils' learning at the centre of everything the school does.

Staff, including those at the start of their careers, are rightly proud to work here and appreciate the extensive training offered. They are well supported to deliver the very best for pupils in the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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