St Joseph’s and St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery

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About St Joseph’s and St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery

Name St Joseph’s and St Gregory’s Catholic Primary School and Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Gemma Otter
Address Chester Road, Bedford, MK40 4HN
Phone Number 01234352062
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 354
Local Authority Bedford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at St Joseph's and St Gregory's like coming to school. They feel part of the school's caring community.

Following a recent reorganisation of all pupils into one building, older and younger pupils welcome the opportunity to mix together. They have formed warm, positive relationships.

Pupils understand the school rule, 'be kind, proud and safe'.

This helps them to behave considerately towards each other and adults. Pupils and staff have clear, shared expectations for pupils' conduct. Any incidents that occur are usually minor and quickly dealt with by staff.

Pupils feel safe and well looked after. There is always someone to talk to about any wor...ries.

Pupils' positive attitudes to learning start in the early years.

Children in Nursery and Reception are happy and enthusiastic learners. Children in Reception are well prepared for Year 1.

Pupils expect to work hard.

They do their best to meet the high standards set by teachers. Pupils produce much work that is of high quality.

Pupils are keen to share their views with school staff through groups such as the school council and junior mission team.

They know that adults will listen. Older pupils are keen to take on responsibilities, such as being an 'eco-warrior'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has made substantial improvements to the quality of education since the previous inspection.

The ambitious new curriculum is markedly improving pupils' achievement, which has historically been low, especially in English and mathematics.

The school has broken down into small, logically ordered steps the knowledge that children must know by the end of Reception. This means that children can use what they know to make them ready to learn new knowledge and skills.

Building on what is taught in the early years, subject leaders have identified the knowledge, skills and vocabulary they want pupils to learn in older year groups.

In a few subjects, the school has not provided the specific guidance teachers need to ensure that pupils retain and build complex knowledge over time. This means that, in these subjects, pupils do not gain and remember important knowledge as quickly as they should.

The school ensures that reading is at the centre of the curriculum. As soon as children start in Reception, they start to learn the sounds they need to decode words. They practise their reading regularly.

Many pupils quickly develop fluency. Those falling behind receive help to ensure that they catch up quickly. The wider curriculum ensures that pupils encounter a rich selection of books.

Pupils love to hear their teachers reading to them. They develop a love of reading.In most subjects teachers have strong subject knowledge.

They plan appropriate activities that help pupils to achieve well. Teachers provide clear explanations and present tricky concepts effectively. They ensure that pupils get regular opportunities to revisit and reinforce important knowledge.

Teachers routinely check for any gaps in pupils' knowledge. If pupils begin to fall behind, they receive appropriate extra help.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) access the full curriculum and make good progress.

Teachers successfully adapt learning activities to help pupils access the same lessons as others. A small number of pupils follow effective bespoke programmes that support their learning.

Children in Nursery and Reception settle well each day.

They benefit from the clear routines and calm environment established by staff. Children learn to use new words and communicate confidently. Staff plan purposeful, motivating activities.

They know, and meet, children's needs extremely well.

The school has made significant improvements to pupils' behaviour since the previous inspection. Pupils learn in lessons without interruption.

Staff apply the school's behaviour policy effectively. Pupils are well supported to deal with emotions such as anger.

Pupils' personal development is supported well through the curriculum and wider opportunities.

Older pupils learn a range of musical instruments, such as keyboard and ukelele. Pupils learn about fundamental British values such as democracy. They learn to keep themselves and others safe, including when online.

Pupils are taught to respect each other's differences.

The trust and leaders ensure that the school's actions to improve the quality of education for all pupils are effective. The school invests in high-quality staff training.

Staff share the school's vision for improvement. They welcome the support and training they receive from leaders. They appreciate the school's consideration of their workload.

Most parents and carers value the school, especially the extra support given to families and pupils at times of need.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects, the knowledge pupils need to learn is not broken down into precise enough, well-sequenced steps.

In these subjects, the curriculum does not specify when important knowledge should be revisited. This slows down the rate at which pupils learn more complex knowledge and remember what they are taught. The school should ensure that important knowledge is broken down, logically ordered and revisited in all subjects, so that pupils' knowledge and skills build in complexity and depth in the full range of subjects they study.

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